41 41 LOHMANN › MANAGEMENT GUIDE Protein / Amino acids levels & Egg weight Feed intake capacity development Feed form and presentation Protein and aminoacid levels in alternative production should be carefully considered since a higher feed intake is expected. Maintaining the same protein/aminoacid levels as in a conventional system could lead to an undesirable egg size. Therefore, when formulating the rations, the protein/energy ratio should be balanced accordingly. There are two main organs directly involved in feed intake capacity. The crop and the gizzard. The crop’s function is related to the storage and moistening of the feed, while enhancing the exoge-nous enzymes activity. The main role of the gizzard is the mechanical digestive process of reducing particle size and regulat-ing feed particle flow. Their Functionality can be enhanced by feeding homogenous coarse mash diets: The consumption of a mash diet can contribute to a well-developed gizzard leading to associated bene-fits such as gut motility improvement, increased contact time between nutrients and enzymes and a better nutrient digestibility. The development of both the crop and gizzard depends on fibre content (structural ingredients), feed presentation, particle size distribution (its development has been proven in many studies using coarse ingredients- see feed form and presentation chapter), lighting and feeding pattern. Implementing an effective feed distribution program and early encouragement to feed at least once a day to an empty trough, may increase average retention time and feed-holding capacity of both the crop and gizzard therefore promoting higher feed intake capacity which will optimise the performance level of the pullet. Feed consumption of pullets and layers is influenced by feed form and presentation. Regardless of the nutrient profile, pullets and laying hens have a marked preference for grains (easy to recognize), like most of nature they tend to refuse fine particles. Generally, we have the option of presenting our diets in the form of mash, crumbs or pellets. Gizzard Crop Pellet Mash Crumb