26 LOHMANN › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 26 Mycotoxines Mycotoxines are supposed to be one of the biggest threats of husbandry all around the world. This is a well-known fact not only in nutrition of poultry, since long time already in swine nutrition and due to ongoing re- search even in ruminant nutrition. Estima- tion of world grain harvest with considerable levels of contamination varies between 25 and 50 %, varying by regions and years. The incidence of mycotoxin contamination – as such – of feed raw materials in general vary in huge extend by geographic regions, yearly harvesting conditions and finally storage of raw materials. So one need to know where 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 batch 2527 batch 2491 corn, cleaned step 2 corn, cleaned step 1 corn, before cleaning 2171 1675 1184 2658 1549 814 Influence of sieve cleaning on DON contamination in corn DON (ppb) the raw materials being used are coming from. There are a few legal limitations for con- tamination of raw materials and compound feed existing (Aflatoxin, DON), but mostly one can find recommendations which should be considered. Those recommendations might vary from country to country, due to differ- ent literature or specialists opinions. Therefore some uncertainty exist which level of contami- nation might be acceptable or not – because we will never see ‘zero’ – this is not realistic. If mentioning one certain mycotoxine only – in analysis and consideration - one might ignore that low levels of somemoremycotoxines have Source: Persak, P.; Jarnjak, M. (2015) NUTRITION