35 LOHMANN › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 35 Table 10: Equipment Requirement for Production Period Equipment Requirement Round drinkers 1 drinker (Ø 46 cm) for 125birds Linear drinkers 1 runningm for 80–100birds Nipple drinkers 6–8birds per nipple Round feeders 4 feeders (Ø 40 cm) for 100birds Single nests 1nest (26 x 30 cm) for 4birds Chain feeders 5 lin. m for 100birds Further details in the LOHMANN Management Guide for floor/free range housing. Table 9: Equipment Requirement for Rearing Period Equipment Age in Weeks Requirement Chick founts 1 1 fount (4–5 l) for 100 chicks Round drinkers to 20 1drinker (Ø 46 cm) for 125birds Linear drinkers to 20 1 running m for 100birds Nipple drinkers to 20 6–8 birds per nipple Chick feeding trays 1–2 1 tray for 60 chicks Cut off chick cartons 1–2 1 carton for 100 chicks Round feeders 3–10 11–20 2 feeders (Ø 40 cm) for 100birds 3 feeders (Ø 40 cm) for 100birds Chain feeders 3–10 11–20 2.5–3.5 lin. m for 100 birds 4.5 lin. m for 100birds The optimal bird density /m 2 depends on management conditions and to which ex- tent climate can be controlled. Besides that stocking density will vary with environmen- tal conditions and equipment types. Please follow the local legislations in your country / area. In general, the more closely the growing house and facilities resemble the future production system, the easier it will be for the pullets to settle down in their new en- vironment after transfer to the laying house. The following tables show the equipment requirements for rearing and production period. Stocking Density Equipment Requirements