Lohmann Hatchery Guide

12 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 12 HANDLING HATCHING EGGS During the S.P.I.D.E.S process it isn’t neces- sary to turn the eggs on any storage day. NOTE: important storage advice: › › Eggs have to cool gradually from the body temperature of hens, (41 °C) to 22 °C – 18 °C within 6–8 hours, in as clean an atmosphere as possible. › › The right selection of a gentle cleaning process, which doesn’t remove cuticles or lead to the formation of micro cracks, is important. › › Record the farm and the date of pro- duction for every tray. › › Correct fumigation or alternative disin- fection for a good storage start. › › The storage start is fromthe deposition day, not from the day of arrival at the hatchery. › › Minimise egg storage days in order to minimise negative effects. › › There should be optimal climate condi- tions during the whole storage period, in- cluding the right temperature for the set- ting. Please also control and note issues or mistakes of the rooms (see table for days). › › Having two separate egg storage rooms with dedicated temperature and humidity control helps you to manage the processes well. › › During storage, remember not to place the eggs directly in an air flow or hu- midification system, or near a wall or on the floor, with a little free space from the trolley. This helps the uniformity of the condition of eggs. › › Keep weight loss of eggs under control and in respect of exigencies from day 3 of storage. › › Organise the S.P.I.D.E.S in right schedule. › › ABOUT LOHMANN TIERZUCHT GmbH: LOHMANN LSL is more negatively af- fected by long storage than LOHM- ANN BROWN. When using LOHMANN SILVER, it is important have a minimum of 3 days of storage in order to gain the best hatching potential. This is more evident in young flocks of LOHMANN BROWN and LOHMANN LSL.