Lohmann Hatchery Guide

13 13 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE SETTER Single-Stage = all eggs are set together in the same setter and in the same embry- onic development, which can give a bet- ter biosecurity and specific environment for every different day. The conditions of setting prepared ad DOC, for genetics, breeder age, egg size and storage, all IN all OUT give the possibility of washing and an easy cleaning and disinfection process at the setter. This maintains and controls turning, sensor calibration and mechanic parts, which prevents breakdown. Setting can change depending on the capacity and adaptability of the different construc- tor brand to arrange Circadian incuba- tion (change of temperature in the last days), hypercapnia incubation (high level of carbon dioxide in first week), manage- ment of setter at embryonic temperature, and impact on quality and performance in relation at the number of setting eggs, Single-Stage VS Multi-Stage Incubation