Lohmann Hatchery Guide

15 15 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE chine with a currently functioning timer when there isn’t a real pre-warming. Don’t give the necessary control in temperature and uniformity in this case either, as that can only cause damage. Everything is easier in Single-Stage hatch- ery, because a good machine has per- fect control in more performance pro- grammes as the possibility of changing the time (hours), moderating the turning action and ventilation and increasing the temperature. This can be very useful in the special case of eggs which are in storage for a very long time, when the pre-warm- ing process needs to last longer. Many different conditions can change the pre-warming, including hours of storage, days of storage, storage temperature, flock age, egg size, and warming capacity of setter brand to reach the set-point. › › Eggs of very short storage (3–4 days) in a storage room at 20 °C don’t need pre- warming. They can be damaged and their early dead mortality rate can increase. › › Eggs of 5–8 days of storage need a mini- mum of 6 hours. Good S.P.I.D.E.S. schedule and when repeat treatment The setting time is really important for our final results, and for this reason the previ- sion incubation time is the basis for good results and good chicks. It is the standard attitude to use a fixed schedule time for the Multi-Stage incubator, which can vary according to the breeder (LOHMANN LSL needs some extra hours), age of flock (youngest and oldest need a bit more time), storage of eggs (where S.P.I.D.E.S. is not used, after 9 days of storage it in- creases from 30 to 50 minutes every day +) and season (summer reduces it by 1 hour; winter increases it by 1 hours). Every Multi-Stage incubator brand has a perfect set pattern and a balanced set- ter, where all the machines have to work as much as possible and at full capacity. If this is no real possibility, a control of CO2 at 2,700 ppm can help to determine the valve set-up and can help to bring about the correct weight loss of eggs. Concerning total difference in real Single-Stage, where the programme in use can justify a different time, the table gives some indication of the re- spective embryologic temperature (100 °F–100.2 °F for LOHMANN BROWN, 100.1 °F–100.4 °F for LOHMANN LSL). It is important to follow the conditions and setting recommended for every different incubation brand. Air flow and tempera- ture in particular can have various different effects and for this reason it is important to use a dedicated and specific programme. It is rare that a programme built for a par- ticular brand also has positive results for another brand. This is the reason why we have decided not to present any programmes in the Lohmann incubation guide: programmes have to be decided upon and tested in- dividually, hatchery by hatchery, with the objective of having the perfect embryo- logic temperature, perfect weight loss of eggs, and perfect embryological time. Re- member that chronological time is a count of hours = time ……… Embryological time is the effect of air flow, temperature, CO2 and humidity, and isn’t a fixed figure but rather can be subject to all these influenc- ing values which can either move our em- bryos forwards or delay the chronological time, extending or reducing our real hatch window time. Some machines have the option of recov- ering energy with reduction of an rpm fan, or alternatively the option of balancing the temperature with air flow velocity. The objective of using some of these options is achieving uniformity of temperature at minimum cost, and it is possible to use them at the recommendation of the con- structor. In some special conditions, the right set pattern can help our embryos a lot. In Setting time and set pattern if requested