Lohmann Hatchery Guide

20 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 20 SETTER CANDLING AND TRANSFER › › Early candling gives advance informa- tion about the condition of the farm, percentage fertility, correct storage conditions, health of the farm and con- dition of embryos at the start of the in- cubation process. Previous candling can be carried out after 6 days of incubation by an individual candling lamp, and the following breakout of eggs, shown in reliable percentage values, indicates the early deaths from blastoderm -72 h and early mortality “blood ring” at 3–6 days. These values help to determine the ap- proximate hatch, and help us to decide the incubation number well in advance. flat position that helps the air flow velocity can only help the embryos when they are at the right uniform temperature. Warning: at this position these eggs can’t have a good asymmetric angle and a good angle of 45° on both sides. Candling Candling is an easy and sure methodology to determine percentage hatchability: 1 st week of incubation 8–15 days 16–17 days 18–19 days 45 min/1 min flat 60 min/1 min flat 60 min/10 min flat Stop or 60 min/60 min