Lohmann Hatchery Guide

26 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 26 HATCHER This is a very important part of the process, because in this part it isn’t possible to cor- rect a wrong incubation action, but it is very easy to destroy the entire good job. In hatchers the conditions can change in a short time and very frequently, and these factors are more complicated to control using an automatic system. For this, some brands are developing tools to better fol- low the hatcher condition or using virtual intelligence systems to change the step and relative set-point at necessity, which are free in terms of time and connected to the real condition and advancements of the hatch. The objective is to help and fa- cilitate the piping out of our chicks, with a stimulation effect, and it is done for chicks which have just hatched, ensuring the right condition of drying and for cicatris- ing of the navel, which helps bring about the best quality of chicks. › › It is important that our temperature has to drop in relation to the number of chicks hatched, and a drop to real tem- perature could help to conserve and im- prove our chicks’ quality after the end of the real “hatch window time”. › › Humidity improved from the natural increase at the hatch can help to main- tain a constant high value, but at the end, the real “hatch windows” have to change and decrease to help all chicks to dry in perfect way, which is impor- tant because the stability value of humidity UP and DOWN can destroy chicks’ quality. › › CO2 (carbon dioxide) at a value of 7,000 ppm can help in the stimulation step. Knowledge about the real density of CO2 helps us to understand when our machine needs the change of steps and starts to provide more ventilation. Sometimes the fertility of the flock can make a big difference. › › Ventilation and an extra fan for fresh air have to work with respect to real hatch- er condition: improving the ventilation in the early phase can stop the hatch; delay in the use can change the climate condition of the chicks hatched. To determine optimum timing, the flock age is the inherent factor; embryos at the youngest of 30 weeks and at the oldest of 60 weeks need an additional 5/6 hours of time, as is also the case for the long stor- age eggs that have not undergone the S.P.I.D.E.S process. The value is standard- ised in all our hatchery processes in these points, namely uniformity and reduction of variability, optimum time, a nice fluff condition and a good general condition. Use of a disinfection product during the hatch is very important and gives an ad- vantage in bacteria and mycosis control. In the past it was common to use an evapo- ration plate with Formalin, positioned in the hatcher machine at day 19 and with a quantity sufficient to cover all processes of the hatch. This is very dangerous for the op- erator and for the chicks in high dosages, and, if extended, this evaporation over 12 hours can lead to permanent damage of the chicks in the hatcher (can damage tra- chea and encourage reactions to vaccines). However the efficiency, the cost, the easy utilisation and the positive characteristic of giving the chicks a very beautiful yel- low colour have pushed managements to continue using it, although in some coun- tries local governments don’t permit its use anymore. In other countries it is permitted but only with some restrictions and safety systems for the operator. Many different typologies of products can carry out good disinfection during the hatcher process, especially if sprayed in regular frequency of time or in evaporation. Here, peroxide is one of the best and if it is used by specific evaporation staff, it is a perfect substitution. Remember, in the hatch process our chicks have a continued hatch, and with increase in number there is a relative increase of The Hatcher operation