Lohmann Hatchery Guide

30 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 30 HATCHER › › A large blood vessel which can be ob- served inside the eggshell and a big discharge of urea are clear indicators of overheating. › › The height of cutting in the eggshell is a forfeit indication of weight loss of eggs. A high cut near the obtuse pole of eggs is a clear example of insufficient weight loss, water and relative amniotic liquid quantity is too much for the perfect chick’s metabolism, and some chicks don’t manage to complete the cut and the hatch. › › The lower cut is the opposite problem. Weight loss of eggs is high, the low quantities of amniotic liquid obligate some chicks to take up a malposition and in some embryos the feet can move over the head and stop the head from cutting. › › In the ideal hatching conditions, the cutting of the eggshell is flat/plane and follows a continue line. The change of the cutting line upwards and down- wards shows improper conditions and bad state of chicks. Monitoring using necropsy This is a real and true test of our process, because embryos can’t lie. Every hatch- ery controls the process of carrying out professional and correct necropsies. This shows us the effective value of our hatch- ing eggs, of our setting programme and of our maintenance and functioning of our machines, but this needs a chapter of its own. Making breakouts Analysis NECROPSY AND BREAKOUTS ANALYSIS The necropsy is a sure way of monitoring in order to have all our flocks under maximum control, in necropsy of eggs we can see the real performance and know if our perfor- mance is at the right condition and in line with the genetic potential of our eggs. The best hatchery can transform the eggs into qualitative chicks if it does a perfect job, but it cannot improve the genetic value. It can destroy or it can damage the chicks’ quality. But we repeat, it cannot change the base or genetic value. But what is this value? . . . Is really important to know. Carrying out a correct necropsy is very important for our process, in order to make sure that our hatchery respects the genetic value. Of course, for this we need a sufficient number of eggs in the test, and we need to arrange good and affable breakouts. Hatcheries have to prepare a dedicated table practice, which is easy to clean, comfortable for the operator, and which manages the breakouts with maximum biosecurity. In our process, the “Quality Control Team” arranges “early candling” and relative breakouts. We want these tests to be done just in order to have some information in advance (right hatchability previous per- centage) and to guarantee control on the fertility value and have a clear vision of ear- ly dead in previous hours (easier to identify in the first part of incubation). In this guide we are using LOHMANN TIERZUCHT analysis format, because it is part of my experience and in this format we conserve more than 30 years of data: Necroscopy Analysis in order to resolve possible mistakes during incubation process