Lohmann Hatchery Guide

4 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 4 INTRODUCTION LOHMANN TIERZUCHT GmbH has invest- ed many years in research and develop- ment in resources for covering all points of layers incubation. This handbook, or guide, is based on more than 70 years of experience and tests in integrate layers production and its contributors have had the benefit of working with customers throughout the whole world and expe- riencing necessary upgrades in the con- tinuing evolution of the breeder, which guarantees the best performance in the best way. The actual layers industry is an interna- tional business with production in all cor- ners of the world, with the relative varying climate conditions, different incubation technology, and different machines. This handbook isn’t a guide for providing de- finitive information on all aspects of layer incubation in every scenario or condition, but in the “Hatchery Management Solu- tion” we try to prepare the best practice to help our customers in areas such as › › Better hatchery Life › › Better management › › Better performance › › Better biosecurity › › Better layer chicks The user must be aware of local legislation in terms of human welfare, animal welfare and chemicals and medical product reg- istries in every different country, with can influence the management practice that they can choose to adopt. LOHMANN TIERZUCHT GmbH cannot accept any lia- bility for consequences of using this infor- mation and is not responsible for its local wrong practical application. The performance objective for the hatch- ery is to provide the highest number of perfect layers chicks with a good delivery and the best liveability, which of course is influenced by the qualityofreceived eggs. The hatchery can transmit the quality re- ceived and can damage the quality, but cannot increase the quality of eggs re- ceived and cannot increase fertility. Both of the latter points are the result of good Parents farm Management (for more de- tails see Farmer Management Guide). If you have any questions after reading this handbook, we would like to encour- age you to contact us; we can assist you and give you additional information on specific cases, available from LOHMANN TIERZUCHT GmbH technical department. We appreciate all advice, feedback and suggestions from our customers.