Lohmann Hatchery Guide

49 49 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE Control activities in order to monitor the process in one hatchery Process Control action Quality control Analysis measurement Monitoring Quality indicator Eggs incubation hatchers Setters activity control Check next parameters: - Temperature - Humidity - CO2 - Ventilation Every hatcher Visual check of graphics and compare with targets Chicks take off Day-old chicks’ quality and laboratory sampling Day-old chicks’quality Pasgar Score Every flock Compare with targets Uniformity Chick weight Chick yield Every flock Compare with targets Breakout analysis Every flock Compare with targets Chicks to be sampled for laboratory for bio-burden analysis Bio-burden analysis Every flock Bacterial contaminati- on, yeast and moulds Fluff to be sampled for laboratory Salmonella Every flock No Salmonella Meconium to be sampled for laboratory E-coli Every flock E-coli Chicks Sexing Sexing errors Male or female selection All day-old chicks Monitor by hour Chicks vaccination Control of vaccine preparation Bacterial contamination Every flock Bacterial contamination Vaccination Control of vaccine activity Vaccinated day-old chicks Monitor and compare with targets Control of vaccine residues Laboratory control Sampling plan Bacterial contamination Chicks or eggs packaging Packaging control Sampling of boxes Laboratory control Sampling plan Bacterial, yeasts and mould contamination Chicks storage Storage monitoring Storage rooms activity control Check next parameters: - Temperature - Humidity - Ventilation - Chicks body temperature Every room Compare with targets Eggs candling and transfer Data collection from eggs candling and transfer process Clear eggs and early dead Every transferred trolley Compare with targets Eggs weight at transfer Scale measurement Every flock Egg weight loss (%) Cleaning and disinfection in the hatchery Floors, walls and windows cleaning Cleaning of setters Cleaning of hatchers Cleaning of equipment Clean and disinfection records Visual check Records Corrective action Cleaning and disin- fection of trays and baskets Clean and disinfection samples Sampling for laboratory Sampling plan Bacterial, yeasts and mould contamination Clean and disinfection samples Sampling for laboratory Sampling plan Bacterial, yeasts and mould contamination Personal hygiene Personal health Health status of employees Health certificates Plan Heath status Visitors monitoring Records or health certificates Every visit Health status Laundry cleaning in the hatchery Clean and disinfection samples Sampling for laboratory Sampling plan Bacterial, yeasts and mould contamination