Lohmann Hatchery Guide

50 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 50 QUALITY ASSURANCE Control activities in order to monitor the process in one hatchery Process Control action Quality control Analysis measurement Monitoring Quality indicator Maintenance Preventive maintenance Follow manufacturer instruction for all equipment Keep records about maintenance procedures Organise case by case, a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly schedule Visual check of graphics and compare with targets Calibration Follow manufacturer’s recommendation for all equipment Keep records about calibration Organise a yearly schedule Keep records Repair Follow manufacturer’s instruction for all repaired equipment Keep records about all repaired equipment Organise case by case, a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly schedule Keep records and analyse the trend Training Training Employees need to be trained internally or externally Keep records about participation Organise periodical training sessions Organise open sessions and verification activities Refresher training Organise periodical training sessions for employees, taking into consideration the spe- cificity of their work Keep records about participation Organise periodical training sessions (twice a year for example) Organise open sessions and verification activities TROUBLE SHOOTING Life is full of trouble, and our hatchery is granted no exception. We need to have the right processes and the right conditions of biosecurity. The necessary analysis and tests for having total control of equipment can help to limit the issue and to give us “Peace of Mind”, but some problems can still occur. This is natural, and a correct and fast reaction helps a lot to minimise the problem. Data and comparison with the hatchery target average helps towards a preventive discovery of an issue, and optimal adjust- ments of conditions, the correct necropsy and a good analysis of breakouts is the key for the solution. REACT quickly and don’t lost time; hatch- ery operators have to continue following the best principles. This is the correct atti- tude, instead of a decrease in performance having to push our hatchery to revolution. We have to switch ON the red light and improve our attention. Practice based on technical service 1) Parents farm problem; health of group and fertility issues. 2) Storage issue, wrong condition of S.P.I.D.E.S. 3) Human error and wrong track and trace of our eggs; mixed flock; change of data and relative equipment (machine). 4) Decrease of hatcher performance; loss of some embryos from problems rela- tive to setter conditions. 5) Accidental break in trolley or in transfer process. 6) High loss in hatchery machine (setter/ hatcher) frommissing of alarm; software failure; human mistake; breakdowns. 7) Poor biosecurity in vaccine preparation and application. 8) Aspergillus contamination and pres- ence of E-coli, leading to a decrease in liveability. 9) Transport issues; wrong delivery 10) Farm issues; wrong home condition. These are the principal 10 points ON prac- tice life, which were investigated in a case of troubleshooting.