Lohmann Hatchery Guide

53 53 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE HYGIENE “Biosecurity” refers to a series of practices designed to prevent hazards (biological, chemical and physical) from coming into contact with birds inside the hatchery. Components of biosecurity: › › Isolation › › Traffic control › › Sanitation Isolation Potential sources of contamination need to be considered when deciding where to locate product establishments, as well as the effectiveness of any reasonable measures that might be taken to protect products. Establishments should not be located in any place where, after consid- ering such protective measures, it is clear that there will be a threat to product safety or suitability. In particular, establishments should normally be located away from: › › environmentally polluted areas and in- dustrial activities which pose a serious threat of contaminating product; › › areas subject to flooding, unless suffi- cient safeguards are provided; › › areas prone to infestations of pests; › › areas where wastes, either solid or liq- uid, cannot be removed effectively. Pests pose a major threat to the safety and suitability of products. Pest infesta- tions can occur where there are breeding sites and a supply of raw products. Good hygiene practices should be employed to avoid creating an environment conducive to pests. Good sanitation, inspection of incoming materials and good monitoring can minimise the likelihood of infestation and thereby limit the need for pesticides. The hatchery building shall be designed to include adequate space for all work ar- eas. Physical separation is recommended for different areas, in order to restrain bio- logical cross-contamination by humans. Traffic control People known or suspected to be suffer- ing from, or to be a carrier of, a disease or illness likely to be transmitted to a prod- uct (day old chick), should not be allowed to enter any product handling area if there is a likelihood of their contaminat- ing the products. Any person so affected should immediately report the illness or symptoms of illness to the management. Medical examination of a product handler should be carried out if any disease clini- cally or epidemiologically indicated. Visitors to manufacturing, processing or handling areas should wear protective clothing and adhere to the other personal hygiene provisions in this section. The number of visitors should be minimised. All incoming materials shall be delivered and stored in such a manner as to prevent spoilage, deterioration, damage and con- tamination. All chemicals, vaccines and drugs shall be properly sourced for their intended pur- pose and labelled properly at all times. Cleaning equipment Cleaning can be carried out by the sepa- rate or the combined use of physical methods, such as scrubbing, turbulent flow, vacuum cleaning or other methods that avoid the use of water, and chemical methods using detergents, alkalis or acids. Cleaning procedures will involve, where appropriate: › › removing gross debris from surfaces; › › applying a detergent solution, to loosen soil and bacterial film and hold them in solution or suspension; › › rinsing with water in order to remove loosened soil and residues of detergent; › › dry cleaning or other appropriate meth- ods for removing and collecting resi- dues and debris; › › where necessary, disinfection with sub- sequent rinsing, unless the manufac- turer’s instructions indicate on scientific basis that rinsing is not required. Biosecurity in hatcheries Sanitation – cleaning procedures and methods