Lohmann Hatchery Guide

57 57 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE Example of a structure of documents in a Quality Management System Quality Manual Prerequisite Programmes Work Instructors HACCP Records Documents Manual Annexes Procedure (SOP) Documentation and data storage An appropriate system of records on processing, production and distribution needs to be kept for a period of time that exceeds the life cycle of the product. Documentation can enhance the credibil- ity and effectiveness of the safety control system. Prior to application of HACCP to any sec- tor of the food chain, that sector should have in place prerequisite programmes such as good hygienic practices accord- ing to the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene, the appropriate Codex Codes of Practice, and appropriate food safety requirements. These prerequisite programmes to HACCP, including train- ing, should be well established, fully op- erational and verified in order to facilitate the successful application and imple- mentation of the HACCP system. At the same time, an effective back-up sys- tem is essential. The requirements with re- gard to documents and data control shall apply equally to electronic data as they do to data in paper format. This is especially true in the management of obsolete files, documents and data held electronically either in a memory that has personal ac- cess only or on a server. products and their associated processes. In essence, it involves: › › Identification and evaluation of hazards, such as biological, chemical and physi- cal contaminants and the conditions leading to their presence and prolifera- tion; › › Identification of the specific require- ments for control, in order to reduce or eliminate the hazards; › › Mechanisms to measure and continu- ously assess the efficacy of the HACCP system. HACCP is an acronym used to describe the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, a systematic approach used to identify, evaluate and control safety hazards. HAC- CP is very logical sequence of steps that cover all stages of production in order to identify the hazards that are likely to occur at any stage and put methods of control in place that will prevent them. Developed in the early 1960s, HACCP is a system of control based on preven- tion that provides a structured approach for the assurance of the safety of specific Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point – the next step in building a quality management system