Lohmann Hatchery Guide

58 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE 58 HYGIENE Popular in the food industry, HACCP is used in animal farms and hatcheries to- day in order to limit the presence of haz- ards along the food chain. All LOHMANN hatcheries have implemented HACCP sys- tems in order to better control the hazards and to be sure that our products have a higher degree of safety along the chain. The application of HACCP principles con- sists of the following tasks, as identified in the Logic Sequence for Application of HACCP. 1) Assemble HACCP team. 2) Describe product. 3) Identify intended use. 4) Construct flow diagram. 5) On-site confirmation of flow diagram. (Note the following figure) 6) Hazard analysis - list all potential hazards associated with each step, conduct a hazard analysis, and consider any meas- ures to control identified hazards. 7) Identify Critical Control Points (CCP). 8) Establish critical limits for each CCP. 9) Establish a monitoring system for each CCP. 10) Establish corrective actions. 11) Establish verification procedures. 12) Establish Documentation and Record Keeping. Eggs reception and storage Eggs incubation – hatchers Chicks’ take off Eggs fumigation Chicks’ vaccination Chicks’ packaging Chicks’ storage Clean eggs storage Short periods of incubation during eggs storage Eggs incubation setters Eggs candling and transfer Eggs grading, selection and transfer Chicks’ sexing Schematic representation of a hatchery process flow diagram