Lohmann Hatchery Guide

7 7 LOHMANN TIERZUCHT › MANAGEMENT GUIDE Hatching eggs need to be disinfected microorganisms multiply fast in the in- cubation climate of the hatchery and the temperature and humidity are perfect reproduction grounds which we need to control. Some customers decide to disin- fect as soon as possible after deposition and repeat the process before setting in incubation; others disinfect during truck transport from the farm; others disinfect on the arrival of storage eggs in the hatch- ery, before they even enter the room. This is the personal choice of every customer, but it is important not to forget that eggs can be already contaminated during the process, either from operators’ hands dur- ing the selection process, from dirty lift vacuums, from dirty trays, or from loss of liquids from damaged eggs. The real cleanness of all eggs managements is of utmost importance. Customers have to decide on the type of product they use. For many years the cheapest and most efficient product was Formalin, fumigation with which is ef- ficient but hazardous to human health, including that of the operator. Safety fumigation rooms with secure Formalin control and facilities for deactivation of residual gas are available. These guaran- tee the safety of the operator and can therefore be of great use, but it is impor- tant to check whether they are permitted in the relevant country, as well as taking into consideration that fumigation can in- crease mortality in embryos and overdos- age can lead to malformation in chicks. In case of use of Formalin, remember: › › Never fumigate with formaldehyde within the first 96 hours of incubation. › › The maximum correct dosage is 7 g/m³. › › Never exceed a fumigation time of 25 minutes, max. room temperature of 21–24 °C, max. humidity 65–70 %. › › Re-ventilation of the fumigation cham- ber with safe clean air (to avoid recon- tamination of our hatching eggs) at the right temperature, as eggs do not react well in quickly changing condi- tions; check that the air-equipment can change the total air conditions within a few minutes. As alternatives to Formalin, a lot of dif- ferent chemical products are available. These can be based on glutaraldehyde, stabilised hydrogen, peroxide, peracetic acid, activated chlorine or quaternary am- monium. These agents can be sprayed, fogged, vaporised or used in an immer- sion bath, and are safer for human health. Some of these products can be used in combination with each other for increased efficiency against various bacteria, viruses and moulds, for example disinfectants that contain quaternary ammonium com- bined with glutaraldehyde, and disinfect- ants containing hydrogen peroxide com- bined with peracetic acid can have the same effect as disinfectants with hydroxyl radical and oxygen compounds. It has to be noted, however, that not all products can be mixed together, as certain chemi- cal products can have chemical reactions: please make sure to control the combina- bility so as not to prepare a solution which is dangerous for both the operator and for the eggs. Please also be careful of over- dosage, which can lead to the covering of pores or damage of cuticles. It is important that the disinfectant reaches all eggs, and that the eggs do not get wet: for this rea- son, eggs should ideally be placed in trays with space for the necessary ventilation, as eggs in carton pulp trays or in boxes do not undergo the right process. In case of immersion in dedicated liquids, attention has to be paid to the cleanness and sanitised conditions of the solution, which should be at a temperature respect- Disinfection of hatching eggs Spray nozzle Peristaltic pump