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النشرة الإخبارية LOHMANN

ديسمبر 20 Christmas greetings


Dear Customers and Business Partners,

2020 is drawing to a close. Unfortunately, it was a year in which it was not possible for us to meet you personally in the usual way. We normally see each other at our events, which we almost all had to cancel this year. We meet at exhibitions or on many other occasions. All of this was dropped in 2020, to our greatest regret.
As you know, we attach great importance to culinary delights, especially at our own events. Good food and shared mealtimes offer the best opportunity to exchange ideas in an informal setting. We also had to do without that this year.

Semolina Flummery

Nevertheless, we have prepared a little surprise for you from a culinary point of view. If you are a diligent visitor to our training events in Cuxhaven, you will even see a familiar face. As you can see, in 2020 we had to look for other ways to stay in touch with you and we found it in different ways.
Since we are known for our special ideas, we have of course also prepared a special Christmas greeting for you.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a contemplative end to the year. Enjoy the time despite all adverse circumstances.

We really hope to see you again next year!
Your LOHMANN Marketing Team




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