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النشرة الإخبارية LOHMANN

نوفمبر 20 Globally connected with Asia

Like our entire LOHMANN team, Team Asia has not been idle and uses the current opportunities to be with their customers from a distance. There were a number of online meetings, and even weekly meetings with our customers Betagro / Thailand and Bounty Farms / Philippines.

Bounty Fresh

In September-October 2020 LOHMANN BREEDERS arranged weekly virtual meetings with commercial layer dept. of Bounty Fresh. In each session different technical and veterinary issues were discussed. In each meeting 10-20 staff members participated.

Stuck in Yangon!

Many people are anxious to start travelling again to South East Asia, either as a tourist or for business. Now it came as it had to come our colleague Gimmy Wu from Taiwan got stuck in Yangon, Myanmar, just after global lockdowns got started. He was almost 1 month stuck in Yangon, but as you can see our friendly customers of United Company took very good care of him. We thank our customer for their hospitality!

The show must go on!

Despite global problems with travelling, our breeder chicks are still flying high. In Taiwan almost everything is business as usual. This photo shows Gimmy Wu at breeder chick receipt with our customer Donbell. Taiwan has a very low incidence of Covid-19 cases and therefore chick receipts are still possible.


Since more than a decade the LOHMANN LSL commercials are present in the Indian layer market, farmers especially appreciate the bird’s excellent laying performance, ideal egg size pattern and robustness under Indian field conditions.
Despite all the Corona related adverse circumstances, we succeeded, since 2020 to supply our well known LOHMANN Selected Leghorn (LSL) breeding stock directly from the company owned grandparent stock operation to our Indian customers.
During the Poultry Show in Hyderabad in 2019, numerous customers contacted us. Several contracts had been signed and first breeders were delivered early 2020.




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