LOHMANN SCHOOL Russia was successfully held in March of this year. The annual event, that took
place in the capital city of Kazan in the Republic of Tatarstan, attracted more than 100 guests – most of
whom were heads and specialists of our loyal poultry business partners in Russia and the C.I.S. States,
delegates and members of the Agricultural Ministry as well as experts and scholars from “Rosptizessojuz“ and research institutes.
Mr. Nasip Chasipow, Deputy Minister for the Agricultural Ministry
of Tatarstan, warmly welcomed our guests with an update on the
status for the region. Mr. Chasipow’s elaborate report on the dynamic development of agriculture was presented in an easy to understand manner and well received by the audience. The speaker
also devoted a lot of time on a report about high rates of poultry
farms in the region, the success of which largely depends on the
land used, the service quality of the operation, and the organisation of the production.
“OOO Ak Bars”
Another partner invited to hold a speech at this year’s event was
the large poultry farm of “Yaratelle”, a branch of “OOO Ak Bars”.
The head of this large establishment, Mr. Rischat Chismatullin,
made an excellent presentation of the company that underwent
‘rebranding’ lately. Mr. Chismatullin’s report consisted of much
comparable and objective information on production numbers.
The specialists at “Yaratelle” have been experimenting with several
common breeds and hens for some time now and in the end, they
made their final choice, our breeds.
LOHMANN – Traditional Overview and Future Aspects
Mr. Javier Ramírez, Managing Director (MD) of
LOHMANN TIERZUCHT GMBH, took over the microphone from Mr. Chismatullin.
His presentation included the traditional overview on the main
trends in poultry breeding and innovations in technology that are
being applied by
LOHMANN TIERZUCHT (e.g. stopping the use
of Formaldehyde for the disinfection of hatching eggs and using
other safer disinfectants instead). The MD then went on to elaborate on the new production standards of
LOHMANN’s hens and
explained that these have not been calculated to the maximum
possible value, but rather as average values as these are based
on the actual conditions of the hens. He also encouraged the audience to communicate and exchange experiences on current
programmes and online technologies.
The main breeding at “Rosptizessojuz“, Ms. Ljudmila Karpenko led a
comparative analysis of the current situation in the country’s poultry industry. Ms. Karpenko highlighted that
LOHMANN’s hens has
the leading position with 41.7 % of the entire hen population in the
country. Carrying on, she mentioned how important it is to form
local breeding centres in order to guarantee an increase in effectiveness for the future of this business. The Regional Area Manager for
the C.I.S. and Baltic States, Mr. Norbert Mischke, presented the construction of our first branch in Russia. The first deliveries of dayold
chicks are expected to take place at the beginning of 2017. With this
new development, we will now be in the position to deliver our customers with parent stock of high quality within a short and flexible
period of time. Read more on this in the next issue of Poultry News.
LOHMANN – From Pure Lines to Layers
Dr. David Cavero illustrated
LOHMANN TIERZUCHT’s breeding programme with his presentation “From pure lines to layers“, highlighting an extension of the laying period and the number of eggs.
In the selection of pure lines, our geneticists take no lesser than
30 phenotypic and genotypic traits into consideration in order to
obtain first class layers.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Poultry
Ms. Tamara Okolelowa of the AllRussian Scientific Research Institute of Poultry, highlighted the importance of knowledgeable
equalisation of rations and giving the right feed. She emphasised
how important it is to pay special attention to the feed of young
animals and the complexity of making corrections in this period.
The professor made extensive recommendations and also reported on the prophylaxis of the birds infected by diseases that are
associated with poor feeding.
Norbert Mischke continued with this topic and he also presented
the administration of lighting programmes at the farms. This report led to lively discussions as lighting is a tool which is decisive
for several activities – from regulating the beginning of production right up until combatting cannibalism.
LOHMANN’s company veterinarian, Yaroslav Bortyuk, delivered a speech on the diagnostics of bacterial and viral diseases,
the advantages and defects of different diagnostic methods as
well as the significance of data recording and careful analysis of
each research result. He also covered topics on the occurrence of
Infectious Colitis (cloacal infection) and prolapse.
“Chelyabinskaya“ & “Pyschminskaya“
Some of our other business partners were also invited to present
their companies. The main zoo technician of the poultry farm
“Chelyabinskaya“, Mr. Alexander Orlow, proudly presented the production figures they achieved recently. The specialist is convinced
that it is necessary to correct the rations in order to maintain the
best results, without having to save on qualitative raw materials.
Ms. Anna Wolodina, the deputy of the main director for feed at
“Pyschminskaya“, shared on how the company went without feed
containing ingredients of animal origin including fishmeal. Certain risks exist with the components of such raw materials. These
can include traces of synthetic and genemodified substances.
They only apply traditional methods that are regularly tested and
verified from time to time.
The joint presentation on the use of probiotics in feed by Ms. Wolodina and our staff, Ms. Nina Kudrya, caught the undivided attention
of the audience. Ms. Wolodina shared the positive experiences “Pyschminskaya“ has had with the utilisation of this compound. Ms.
Kudrya focused more on how microorganisms work and the food
of their life activity in the organism of the hens. She also had a
generous review of corresponding literature in which the classes
of bacteria and/or which type of compounds should be used in order to obtain the maximum results in poultry breeding. Ms. Kudrya
came across conflicting data and strongly advised the audience to
be selective when choosing a supplier and to orientate themselves based on the experiences of colleagues. Also it is important to
perform tests/experiments on a small group of hens.
LOHMANN Sales and Technical Service
Reverting back to current problems like cannibalism,
Sales and Technical Service representative for the C.I.S. states, Mr.
Pavel Bogatkin, stated that the basic cause for this problem in an
increased number of hens in the cage. He used schematic examples to illustrate the same. Mr. Bogatkin also listed results from
practical experiences on how productivity and the quality of the
egg can be improved with the right type of housing. Mr. Mischke
complemented this by describing how important beak trimming
is to prevent this. There are no official regulations on these processes in the Russian Federation whereas beak trimming in most
European countries is strictly prohibited. In line with this, the geneticists at
LOHMANN are already working on an optimal length
and beak form for the pedigree breeds.

The lecture programme of the seminar was brought to a close with
a final presentation held by the youngest employee in the Russian
export department, Mr. Ilshat Ismagilov. His slides showed an analysis of the production numbers that were obtained from our customers. This was compiled based on the rating of economies. The
best of these farms received presents that are useful for the breeding of poultry. The remaining partners were presented with a memorable souvenir for their active participation in this competition.
Culture – a LOHMANN SCHOOL Must
A mesmerising tour of the oldest Russian city of Kazan rounded off
the event. Guests were treated to a visit of the famous mosque, ‘Qol
Sharif’ as well as the ‘Cathedral of the Annunciation’ followed by a
stroll through the Kazan Kremlin. A trip to the unique Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery left behind an unforgettable and lasting impression.
Positive Feedback
We received lots of positive feedback concerning the organisation
of the
LOHMANN SCHOOL. The participants expressed the necessity of holding similar seminars based on the most current issues.
With such seminars, the participants also have the opportunity to
exchange experiences with fellow colleagues from other businesses. An official media report of this event can be found on pages
6 – 10 of the magazine ‘Zhivotnovodstvo Rossii’ (May 2016). There
is also a video recording of the event including interviews with the
participants. This can be found on our homepage http://www.ltz.
de/news. We would like to thank our partners for their participation and are already eagerly looking forward to next year’s event!
Ilshat Ismagilov