Seminar great success
On April 4th 2014, Japan Layer
(JL) organized a seminar in
Nagoya for Japanese table egg
producers and related industries. Well
above 150 participants attended this
event. JL’s Managing Director Mr. Wataru
Hashimoto welcomed the audience and
gave a short update on the current situation in the Japanese egg market.
Ron Eek gave an introduction on
LOHMANN TIERZUCHT and developments in the global layer-type market.
Dr. Wiebke Icken presented a comprehensive paper explaining the Research &
Development program. Finally Matthias
Voss DVM addressed the global poultry
disease situation.
Since several years egg consumption
in Japan is stagnating. The Japanese consumer prefer white shelled eggs (about
60 % of which the majority is further processed), brown (30 %) and tinted (10 %)
eggs are mainly sold as so-called branded
In 2011 Japan Layer K.K. was founded
as a separate company from the original
Ghen Corporation focusing on sales of
commercial layer chicks only. JL also belongs to EW-Group and is a key producer
of commercial layer chicks with an annual capacity of almost 25 Million chicks.
Since the early nineties the share of LSL
commercials (called Julia in Japan) has
grown to more than 85 % of the domestic white egg layers.
both LSL Classic and – Lite Grandparents
to Japan to safeguard continuous production of breeding stock. Both breeds
form a perfect match for producers who
need M- and L- class eggs. In 2012 a
variety of LSL with predominantly MS
sized eggs completed the package.
Ron Eek – Regional Area Manager