Available for iOS and Android devices
LOHMANN TIERZUCHT Application Software
The socalled “app” or application software is nowadays a part of lives
of millions of people worldwide using smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices. Also in the modern livestock farming
the apps are getting more popular as nice tools supporting farmers
in the daily management. In this context LOHMANN TIERZUCHT has
started to develop application software based on the specification
and management of its birds. At the moment 2 apps are available
for iOS and Android devices.
The Specification App
Body weight development in the rearing, production per hen/day,
egg weight, livability or the cumulative eggs mass are some of the
most important parameters for an egg producer to optimize the
performance results. For the parent stock farmers also the detailed
information on the performance, number of hatching eggs and
especially saleable chickens at different ages of the birds could be
some of the main parameters to have a look on that. “LTZ performance specifications app“ offers a unique opportunity to compare
your results with standards of LOHMANN commercial layers and parent stock including details and charts. This app is now available for
Android and iOS devices on Google Play store and Apple app store.
The Lighting Program App
Sexual maturity and performance of layers are substantially affected
by the length of daylight during rearing and production. In systems
where pullets are kept in windowless houses without access to the
outside, lighting programs can be designed in such a way that optimal rearing and preparation for the laying period are guaranteed.
However, still in many worldwide lighttight houses are rare and
environmental controlled houses which have been constructed during the last years are often not fully lighttight. Lighting programs
adapted to specific conditions are a valuable tool in the management of highly productive laying hens. For example, it is very important to apply the appropriate lighting programs for the laying hens
kept in new alternative systems such as freerange. For these kinds
of housings a tailormade lighting program has to be compiled.
“LTZ lighting Program App“ offers you the opportunity to make
this possible set to the season, geographical location and the date
of the hatch. This app is now available for iPad tablets and can be
downloaded from Apple app store.
Farhad Mozafar