On June 25th, Gimranäs AB invited egg
producers, pullet growers, representatives of the professional journals and
feed industry to a seminar held in the
central Swedish town of Jönköping.
More than 40 participants gathered together amidst glorious weather in the Elite
Stora Hotel located at Lake Vättern.
After snacks and coffee, Mr. Börje Hjalmarsson welcomed his guests. In the first presentation, Dr. Hans-Heinrich Thiele, head of
LTZ’s technical service department, highlighted the necessity of appropriate pullet
rearing in order to achieve a good performance of the laying hen at a later stage.
The second speaker, Robert Pottgüter, a
nutritionist at LTZ, illustrated the basics of
modern layer feeding. Today’s LTZ layers
have to be supplied with optimal nutrients
to tap the full their genetic potential for a
90 + weeks production cycle!
After lunch, the geneticist Dr. Matthias
Schmutz fascinated the audience with his
speech. Using several examples, he illustrated different breeding strategies for the
LSL / LB-Converter and pointed out the
advantages of the Converter hens as compared to the Classic birds in terms of feed
conversion especially for markets which are able to accept a slightly reduced egg
After an exciting discussion and the summary of Mr. Börje Hjalmarsson, all participants made their way home in the early
Niels Fischer
Area Sales & Service Manager
The participants received lots of new information pertaining to breeding, growth and feeding for the LSL and LB Converter birds
Dr. Ling Ling Chuah – new team member of LOHMANN TIERZUCHT
Dr. Chuah was born in Malaysia. In 2009, she graduated as a veterinarian at the Putra University in Malaysia. Already during her studies, she was able to gain
practical experience within the poultry sector. After
completing her training, she was employed in the
Technical Service Department at our long-standig
customer, Huat Lai Resources Berhad in Malaysia and
thereafter, as a Farm Manager at N&N Agriculture PTE
LTD in Singapore.
After an intensive training program in Cuxhaven
from September until December 2012, Dr. Chuah
now supports our Technical Service Team in the
Asian region and operates directly from her home
country, Malaysia.
A new face at Lohmann Tierzucht – Dr. Sohail Habib Syed
We welcome Dr. Sohail Habib Syed as a new member
of our Sales and Service Team.
Dr. Syed, a native of Pakistan, is a veterinarian and is
responsible for the area of Sales and Technical Service in Pakistan. He performs his duties for Lohmann Tierzucht directly from his home country.
In order to prepare himself for his new field of activity, Dr. Syed completed a two-month training programme in Germany.
Before working for Lohmann Tierzucht, Dr. Syed
was employed at Tec Man International as a Sales
and Service manager.

Nicole Rehse
Sales Department