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النشرة الإخبارية LOHMANN

نوفمبر 20 Covid-19 Task force for chick receival


Team America shows creative customers

Of course, our Team America around Thomas Abdo Calil has set up a whole series of online meetings. An impressive list.
But not only LOHMANN BREEDERS, no, our customers are also very active in adapting to the conditions in order to be able to continue to receive our chicks without the risk of infection.

Covid-19 Task force for chick receival

LOHMANN distributor in Mexico has launched a special task force to receive chicks from USA due to covid-19 challenges imposed to international trade and to minimize risks of cross contamination from foreign fomites entering the country and affecting their employees and community.

Granjas Avicolas Rancho Grande

Our customer Granjas Avicolas Rancho Grande is a long standing LOHMANN distributor in north west Mexico which sells DOC throughout the country since more than a decade and have their own large commercial egg operation as well.

Protection for everyone

They have established a special set of measurements to receive chicks from the Covid-19 epicenter. Together with local health authorities and company vets, Mr. Ricardo Ruiz, company director, managed to supply individual protective equipment for everyone involved on the unloading process of the chicks from USA aircraft.

Disinfection means protection

Furthermore, chick crates have been disinfected prior to any quality or sanitary evaluation of the chicks have been performed. Nobody without proper protection suit has been in contact with the airplane or the crates before a full disinfection procedure was concluded.

Safe and healthy arrival

Once health authorities and company´s vet have cleared the chicks, crates have been loaded and left towards the perfectly prepared climate controlled house in Obregon City, Sonora, Mexico.




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