لوهمان - أخبار ومعلومات
Perspectives of Animal Production and Farm Animal Research in Germany
Introduction In Germany, animal production represents more than 60% of the total value of agricultural output. As in other Western countries, the focus is no longer on volume (or mass production?), but increasingly on product quality and variety. According to recent estimates of the FAO, the world population will increase to 8.3 billion by 2030. […]
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Field results using autogenous vaccines in commercial layers to reduce E. coli infection
Introduction Bacterial infections are of great economic importance in the poultry industry worldwide. Particularly in the chicken layer industry recent reports of colibacillosis, erysipelas and fowl cholera in Western Europe implicate a resurgence of these diseases (ZANELLA et al. 2000, VANDEKERCHOVE et al. 2004, MAZAHERI et al. 2006). This might be attributed to a change […]
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The Heinz Lohmann Foundation – honoring a pioneer in modern animal agriculture
The Heinz-Lohmann Foundation was initiated by the brothers Paul-Heinz and Erich Wesjohann and registered on 4th August 1997 as a non-profit subsidiary of Lohmann & Co. AG, which belongs to the PHW Group and is wholly owned by the Paul-Heinz Wesjohann family. The PHW Group is one of the leading German companies with major activities […]
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The revolution in genetic improvement
Summary The production of edible protein of animal origin is the primary objective of livestock husbandry. The protein intake of people in developed countries is high (more than 50 g per capita daily from animal origin) and rising incomes in developing countries lead to elevated demand and consumption of meat, fish, milk and eggs. On […]
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Summary In this paper, we provided an analysis of irrigation water management in the province Khorezm of Uzbekistan and presented recommendations on how water management can be improved. The analysis takes into account the local context of water management and derives its results from an interdisciplinary analysis of socio-economic, technical, and bio-physical aspects. We have […]
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New selection traits from group housing systems
Introduction With the increasing use of floor housing systems in the layer industry, the adaptability of laying hens under these management conditions has become of special interest for primary breeders. The breeding goal is to produce as many saleable eggs as possible per hen housed in a laying period, i.e. clean eggs to be collected […]
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Technological and health aspects of drinking water for broiler chickens
Summary Drinking water for animals is a feedstuff and the most important nutrient. A shortage of water in the organism quickly leads to a decrease in feed consumption, a reduction in growth, disturbances in metabolism and finally to death. Biological and chemical ingredients can affect the health of the animals and the consumer. The importance […]
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