Summary Two random sample tests in Germany were designed to compare the performance of six strain crosses under conditions of enriched cages and floor management. The analysis of variance confirmed highly significant differences between strains and between testing stations. Egg income over feed cost in the enriched cage system was almost 2 EUR per hen […]
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Introduction Consumers in Europe are increasingly prepared to pay more for food with a quality label, assuming that this food tastes better, is healthier for them or is produced on farms certified for improved animal welfare and/or protection of the environment. For example, in Germany average consumers spend less than 11% of their available income […]
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Airborne moulds, dust and endotoxins in four alternative housing systems for laying hens
Summary Airborne moulds and endotoxins as well as inhalable dusts were monthly measured during the course of one year using impingement (AGI 30) and filtration-elution-method in four different housing systems: a floor keeping system, a usual aviary, a floor keeping system with outdoor-access (free range) and the german ‘Kleingruppenhaltung’ (a small group system). Highest concentrations […]
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Layer breeding in the light of future requirements
The world population passed the mark of 7 billion last year and continues to increase at a rate of about 80 million people per year; the demand for eggs is increasing at least at the same rate. The global production of eggs, estimated at 65 million tons in 2005, is predicted to increase to about […]
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Detoxification of aflatoxin in poultry feed: a review from experimental trials
Summary In this meta-analytic review in vivo experimental trials on inactivation of aflatoxins by using adsorbents and biological products as a feed additive in poultry feed are briefly summarized. For this purpose, 155 researches performed in 35 different countries were examined and listed by country of first author, with main results presented in their summary. […]
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Experiences with Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL- Lite) Layers – Part 3: Livability
Summary In this paper, possible causes of elevated mortality rates between egg production farms are discussed in general, based on published literature and personal observations. Data from 74 U.S. flocks of a single strain (LSL Lite) were used to illustrate the range of mortality which may be encountered in practice. Average results per farm for […]
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Attractive Eggshell Color as a Breeding Goal
Summary Although shell color says nothing about the nutritional value of the egg, a uniformly dark brown shell color is considered as one of the important traits for external quality. The heritability of shell color is moderately high (h2 = 0.35 to 0.45), which allows the breeding companies to improve this trait through selection. With […]
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