Developments of housing systems for parent stock have not ceased. Besides traditional floor housing,
several other systems have made their entrance in the layer breeding sector. An overview of the most
important housing systems and their key aspects.
For those who consider switching to a
new housing system there are various options. The advantage of the classic cage
system is mainly in the rare occurrence of
floor eggs. In addition, it offers overview
in the poultry house, good climate and
hygiene possibilities and a good working
environment. “As groups are smaller, social
stress occurs less among the birds”, knows
LOHMANN TIERZUCHT’s Area sales Manager Pieter-Jan Luykx. “It is possible to divide parent stock into smaller groups when
they are kept in cages. This allows several
strains of parent stock, such as
LsL and
LOHMANN Brown, to be kept in
the same house, and it makes it easier to
separate the different strains.”
Point of attention for cage housing
In cage housing (in groups) keeping the
legs shape is vital. This is particularly relevant for the males. Usually a male percentage of 6 to 7 percent is sufficient if the
quality of the males is correct. Determine
the hen-male ratio based on the size of the
group. If needed, group size may be varied
by combining two or more groups (cages).
Veranda system
In the past the standard veranda system,
in which birds are confined, showed
mixed results. That is why in the Netherlands farmers acquired experience in ‘opening the veranda system’. This involved
opening the cages after the acclamation
period, which is around 28 – 30 weeks of
age, allowing the birds, after opening the
cages, to scratch outside their cages. As a
result, breeding results improved during
the second half of the laying period. The
plumage of the hens remained in better
condition as male toenails causing feather
damage on the back of the female during
mating – grow less quickly by scratching
the floor. “This combines the benefits of
both floor housing and cage housing: minimum floor eggs, the birds show better
social behaviour and the poultry house
occupancy has improved”, Luykx lists. “Climate can be managed more easily, litter
quality is better and the system has labour
and management benefits.”
Point of attention for cages using a veranda system
The veranda system, however, is not cheap.
Plus the concept is not applicable in every
house. This is determined by the layout of
the house. In general, feed intake is more
efficient in cage systems. “Another point of
focus is the number of males. They tend to
be over-represented in cage- and veranda
systems. If you need to to add or switch
males, then choose to switch all males in
one section, allowing a new social order
to be established. A single added male will
not be accepted by the other hens and
males will not survive.”
Non-cage systems
Globally a large number of parent stock is
kept in traditional floor systems. These systems occur on every continent, often in a
unique, specific set-up, with varying automation levels. For instance, in several countries collecting eggs is not automated.
Non-cage systems with aviary systems
The so called aviary system is gaining popularity in the layer parent stock business.
This is particularly the case in western europe. This development is mainly driven by
the upscaling of parent stock farms and by
local regulations concerning dust and ammonia reduction. Aviary systems are often
installed in former traditional floor houses.
As in traditional floor houses, parent stock
may roam freely. By installing multiple row
systems additional living layers are created which in turn create additional living
surfaces and related nests and feeding
and drinking lines. As a result up to twice
the number of parent stock can be kept in
the same system. The aviary system offers
several variants and most well-established
suppliers of stable equipment have one
or more equipped aviary system for parent stock. Both the height of and under
the system and the position of feed and
water in regular aviary systems for laying
hens have often been adjusted. After all,
the male, being considerably larger than
the hen, must live in the system as well.
Luykx: “As a floor housing system with aviary system can accommodate more birds,
heat production rises. Particularly in countries with cool weather conditions this will
lead to a more stable temperature in the
poultry house, making it easy to ventilate
because there is more warm production
caused by higher bird density. Moreover,
today all suppliers of floor housing and
aviary systems ought to be capable of
supplying laying nests which guarantee a
perfect egg quality.”
Point of attention for floor houses using
aviary systems
There are still risks associated with the transition of eggs from the nest belt to the crossconveyor belt. Transitions must be checked
regularly for the correct adjustments. stay
focused on this, especially in the production
of hatching eggs. This has a direct negative
effect on the breeding results.
Aviary housing
In comparison with traditional floor
housing, aviary housing offers a better climate due to the fact that there is less ammonia in the house. Manure is removed at
least once per week and the heat production of the birds allows better ventilation.
Optionally the manure on the belts can be
additionally dried by aeration. Moreover,
aviary systems can also be equipped with
manure belts and aeration. This is beneficial to the climate in the house as well.
Today, litter can be removed automatically
in modern aviary systems. “The litter is partially removed together with the manure”,
Luykx explains. “This reduces labour and
the risk of floor eggs. It improves the climate in the house, as less dust is produced.”
Point of attention aviary system
Keep in mind an aviary system requires a
higher truss height than a floor housing
system. whether it concerns existing or
newly built houses, it is highly recommended to choose a house with sufficient volume and plenty of space above the system, to ensure the airflow is not disturbed.
Combination systems
In the past few years the popularity of so
called ‘combination systems’ has been
rising in commercial layer hen houses.
Though they are deployable for parent

animals there is an increased risk of dirty
eggs. A hatching egg should be produced
in a nestbox. In a ‘combination system’ this
is not always the case. It is often difficult or
even impossible to keep eggs produced in
nests and system separated. This increases
the risk the hatching eggs may get contaminated. “If these system eggs get moved onto different conveyors and can be
collected separately there is no problem”,
Luykx notes. “It is a no-go to put eggs from
outside a nest into one. These should be
collected separately and put with the second type of egg at all times.”
Management and automation
Keep in mind that management of the
different housing systems may vary. “The
housing system for the rearing period
must be selected with care: cage rearing
for cage production and aviary rearing
for aviary production. switching from a
ground- to a cage system is possible, but
is not optimal, in particular for the males”,
Luykx says. “systems using manure belts
have the distinct disadvantage of a mandatory weekly cleaning. The manure pit is
often located under ground. This makes it
difficult to clean, which brings with it a variety of risks of vermin in the stable.” These
days the discharge belt can be placed on
the even floor instead of in a pit. There are
also belts on wheels that can be moved after shifting the manure. The belt then stays
in the stable and can be closed air-tight.
The newest development is a series of
central, automatically sealable covers above the discharge belt. After opening the
manure will fall through these and onto
the belt. This prevents drafts and enhances the climate in the stable. A bad climate
enhances the risk of e-coli infections and
other diseases, which can be followed by
disastrous results. “On modern reproduction farms, the climate should not be a
theme but it is still a point of attention”, so
Luykx says. “when considering the climate, make sure there is enough space between the system and the floor. This goes
for both cage- and aviary systems. This
improves air circulation and vermin has no
chance to hide.”
How to choose a new housing system?
Are you considering to purchase a new
system? we would like to offer you some
advice to get you started.
› Make an inventory of the key aspects
that count as most important to you. A
clear overview will help you to make the
right choices which enable keeping parent stock over the coming decades.
› A new housing system requires a considerable investment. Therefore, take time
to be informed about the latest techniques. examine systems with potential
suppliers, but also take the trouble of
working in a company with a similar system for several days.
› substantiate your decision with reliable results, facts and experiences of other breeders. Learn from other people’s mistakes.
› Prepare yourself well. This is the first step
of mastering the management of the
new housing system.
LOHMANN TIERZUCHT may be of service
in this matter.
Pieter-Jan Luykx
Photos provided by
Ter Heerdt Hatchery, The Netherlands,
Big Dutchman, Germany