Another cherished event on the extensive LOHMANN Calender of Events is the Production Manager Seminar,
which is held every two years. The seminar can be summed up as a successful combination of sport and lectures. This
time the meeting took place from 23-26 April in Obergurgl, Austria.
Start up
Prof. Preisinger welcomed the attendees to the seminar before
everyone enjoyed dinner together. On Monday morning, skiing
was on the agenda. After this exercise in the fresh air, everybody
was geared up to concentrate on the different lectures in the afternoon. The day’s topics were worldwide proposed methods of sex
determination, options for applications in a commercial hatchery,
growing males from commercial layers and the dual purpose bird.
Sport and technical
Continuing the successful combination of a sporty morning and
a technical afternoon, Tuesday also started with some fun on
the slopes. Afterwards, Davide Assirelli, Dr. Matthias Voss and Dr.
Anke Förster talked about optimised hatchery procedure for LSL
and LB, vector vaccines for commercial layers and Flockman4U –
parent stock and commercial. A general discussion on all topics
concluded the lecture programme.
At dinner on the last day, the LOHMANN team and the participants reviewed the last three days in an informal setting. We
hope that everybody enjoyed the stay in Obergurgl.