لوهمان - أخبار ومعلومات
Estimation, effectiveness and opportunities of long term genetic improvement in animals and maize
Introduction Genetic improvement in animals and plants for food consumption has been practised and realised since domestication. Intensive improvement, increasingly with incorporation of genetic principles, has been undertaken for a century or more. Much of this has been highly intensive and effective, notably in poultry. There are consequently concerns that genetic variation is being exhausted […]
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The Poultry Industry in the Arab World – Present & Future
Summary In this review, the author takes a critical look at trends in poultry meat and egg production in the Arab World. FAO statistics on production and consumption for 2005 and predictions for 2015 are discussed in the context of increased feed cost on the world market, national policy re. liberalized imports vs. protection of […]
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Bioenergy versus Processing: What is possible from an ethical point of view?
Agricultural production and public perception More than 90% of the German population have no personal relation to agriculture. Their conception of agriculture is – to a large extent – determined by aesthetic impressions and intermittent perceptions, often based on the negative example of crises (e.g. BSE, „rotten meat“, pollution of the environment). Knowledge about agriculture […]
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Global Potential for Energy Recovery from Renewable Resources
Crop based bio-energy can be an important and increasing factor for the energy supply, if the agricultural sector is able to provide mass-produced energy crops. One relevant factor presently limiting the development of bio-energy systems based on energy crops is the availability of land for biomass production. Land availability for energy crop production depends on […]
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Economic und ecological aspects of bio-energy production
Summary Bio-energy is used in Europe mainly as a result of government policies. Justifications for government intervention are the reduction of CO2 emissions and dependency on energy imports. Surplus agricultural production for many years favoured the governmental promotion of bio-energy. Recent supply shortage for agricultural products calls for a critical review of past policies of […]
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Management Recommendations for Laying Hens in Deep Litter, Perchery and Free Range Systems
Summary This review calls attention to management factors which need special attention to optimize results under conditions of non-cage management, starting with rearing in a technical environment similar to the production unit and including optimal nutrition, health care and husbandry. Introduction The trend away from conventional battery cages towards deep litter, perchery and free range […]
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