Known for facing all challenges

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We have always been known for facing all challenges. No, we do not only face challenges but we always try to make the best of all circumstances and to remove all obstacles. But with a challenge like Corona, which affects all our customers and all areas of life, our ingenuity and our innovative ideas are really needed.
But LOHMANN wouldn’t be LOHMANN if we didn’t try to make the best of a crisis and master it as best we can. We are still there for you, for our customers and business partners, to provide you with advice and assistance in the usual way, but in an unusual environment …

Sales & Technical Service Team

Of course, our Sales and Technical Service Team is particularly in demand during these times, but you probably already know that! To date there have been more than 100 customer online conferences and webinars and more than 1000 internal calls and chats with colleagues and the number is increasing every day. The new magic words are online training and webinars and the new tools are Vidyo, Skype, Team and Zoom.
Please find some impressive examples of our Teams from


However, another department of our company is really facing new challenges: Logistics. In our new section “5 questions – 5 answers”, the head of department Mrs. Silvia Mouriño will tell us something about the transport of chicks in times of Corona.

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