This year’s LOHMANN SCHOOL Russia
took place on 19-22 June in Yekaterinburg. Specialists from high-volume
egg poultry farms in Russia and neighbouring
countries actively participated in this event.
The number of participants was almost
100 and the audience showed keen interest in the lectures. The range of topics covered the technology of housing, animal
health and feeding as well as the characteristics and needs of LOHMANN‘s breeding
products. There was also an opportunity
to discuss numerous practical questions,
such as the rationality and efficiency of
forced moulting, lighting, balanced feeding etc. In addition to the lectures, a
round table session was organised. The
participants could ask specific questions,
exchange experiences and get the opinion of the
LOHMANN experts.
Birthday Atmosphere
There was not only a working, but also a
festive atmosphere, as it was the 10th anniversary of the LOHMANN SCHOOL Russia! Many of the participants had already
received a certificate of attendance before
and willingly shared their experiences and
memories. Even the weather did its best
and during the festive banquet on the
banks of the river Sysert, we successfully
ordered sunshine!
It was not purely by coincidence that
the Jubilee School was held in Yekaterinburg, because 22 years ago the first parent
stock chicks were supplied to PF Sverdlovskaya from Germany. That signalled
the successful entry on the CIS market.
We hope that all the participants went
home with more knowledge and insight
and look back on an enjoyable programme
with plenty of unforgettable impressions.
We are really looking forward to welcoming
you at our next LOHMANN SCHOOL event!
Galina Scholz

Hello! Thank you very much for the event. LOHMANN’s specialists have an
enormous amount of knowledge and practical experience. I myself noted 20
or so points about poultry management to improve the results of production
activity. I thank the speakers for their sincere desire to share their accumulated
experience and develop other people.
The round table format is very important and often provides insights, but unfortunately we could not attend this meeting because we had to leave. Hence
the desire to audio or video record the presentations and discussions.
For the next LOHMANN SCHOOL it would be very interesting to look at management in rearing replacement chicks: evaluation of plumage development
and the size of internal organs, evaluation of uniformity and ways to increase
it, starting period, feeding, etc.
Special thanks to the event organisers for the warm welcome and
attention to each participant!
I wish to express my gratitude to your team for these seminars, for this opportunity for young professionals like me, who are just beginning their career in
poultry rearing. At the school you can learn about the innovations, get acquainted with the practice of other businesses, discover something new, and
just relax.
The “Questions Box” really helped me, I asked a few questions to which I now
know the answer and know how to develop myself further. There were interesting topics such as management of poultry farming, biosecurity, forced
moulting, the external and internal qualities of eggs, non-contagious diseases.
This was my first LOHMANN SCHOOL! In the future I hope to attend more of
these seminars, put on by you! Maybe soon I will make my own report!

I am happy that I have been able to work for so many years with LOHMANN
TIERZUCHT. I was there at the very beginning when this bird was imported to
us in Russia. And as far as the bird itself is concerned, I am strongly convinced
that the LOHMANN is the best bird in the world!
As always it was interesting to meet all the participants in the School and to
hear the latest presentations.
The LOHMANN SCHOOL had a very rich and useful content and at the same
time had the friendly atmosphere of a home school. I very much liked the idea
with the “box”, specialists cannot always ask questions orally but we saw a
whole stack of written questions!
I can still see the lovely venue of our evening at the lake! Unforgettable! The
evenings you organise always stay in the memory.
Galina Scholz