لوهمان - أخبار ومعلومات
The role of developing and newly industrialised countries in global egg production
Abstract The dynamics of egg production between 1993 and 2013 on the basis of four Country Development Groups is analysed in this paper. This term is used to distinguish countries according to their development status. It can be shown that such a classification makes more sense than an analysis on the basis of continents and […]
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Adequate food supply for the growing world population is a major concern of governments and NGOs in industrial and developing countries. Will the development of food production keep pace with the increasing population in developing countries and the growing demand of high quality food, especially food of animal origin, of the industrialized countries? Resources of […]
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Meat as a healthy and valuable source of micronutrients
Abstract During the last decades meat and especially liver have been looked upon as unhealthy food with high fat content and cancerogenic potential. In addition, its content of highly valuable micronutrients has mostly been ignored. As a result, the mean uptake and serum levels of several micronutrients in the population are below the recommended levels. […]
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Improvement of robustness and performance in meat-type chickens and ducks
Abstract The thermoregulatory system plays a central role in various body functions of the organism. It not only keeps the body temperature on an optimum level but also interacts with feed intake, growth rate, immune and stress responses. Perinatal temperature training (PTT) with short-term warm loads (+ 1°C, maximum 2 hrs/day) from day 18 until […]
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An egg a day – the physiology of egg formation
Abstract Modern hybrid laying hens can produce more than 300 eggs per year and more than 500 eggs in an extended life cycle. This would not be possible without continuous ovulation, a trait already observed in the ancestors of our modern layers. In the ovary of newly hatched hens more than 12.000 oocytes are present. […]
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Antimicrobial Resistance: a Threat to Livestock Production and a Potential Risk for Public Health
Abstract The widespread and indiscriminate use of antimicrobials has been identified as one of the main reasons for the emergence of antibiotic resistant pathogens. Many of them are multidrug resistant. Antimicrobial resistance continues to expand for a number of different reasons, but the farm animal industry in many countries is forced by public health programs […]
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