Genetic aspects of keel bone deformities and fractures determined by palpation in laying hens
Abstract Bone deformities and fractures have been observed in laying hens since many years and are of concern in the context of modern egg production. One of the most frequently affected bones in laying hens is the sternum (keel bone). A simple method to identify changes of the sternum in live birds is by palpation. […]
The use of imported soybean meal in poultry nutrition has been an issue since years among NGOs and government authorities, mainly in Europe. Production of soybeans for animal nutrition is considered responsible for clearance of rainforests and dislocation of indigenous people in Brazil. Energy use for processing, transport and treatment of soybeans contribute to climatic […]
Relevance of glycine in crude protein-reduced broiler nutrition
Abstract This article reviews the possibilities to reduce the crude protein concentration in feed for broiler chickens. Considering concentrations of all essential amino acids allows for a reduction of the crude protein concentration in the feed for 1 to 21 days-old broiler chickens to about 19%, without impaired growth. Considering nonessential amino acids only as […]
Abstract Partial and total substitution of soybean meal by alternative sources of protein, such as sunflower meal and rape seed meal from extracted or extruded rape seed, was investigated using a white and a brown commercial layer hybrid. The control diet was a conventional layer diet containing 16% non-GMO HP soybean meal and 8% dried […]
Dynamics and patterns of the EU egg industry
Abstract Five years after the banning of conventional cages in 2012, the number of laying hens and of egg production has stabilized. Enriched cages are the dominating housing system with a share of 55.6%, followed by barn systems (25.7%), free range (14.1%) and organic systems (4.6%).The share of the four housing systems differs, however, considerably […]
Feed Efciency and Feeding Behaviour in Pekin Ducks
Abstract Feed efciency is more and more important for all kinds of animal production. Increased feed costs, the awareness of limited raw material resources and environmental issues are driving factors. Therefore individual feed intake of animals is measured and influenced in selection programs. In the past individual feed intake of meat type poultry has been […]