Iodine in Animal Nutrition and Iodine Transfer from Feed into Food of Animal Origin
Summary Many people still suffer from iodine deficiency all over the world, but there is only a small range between human requirements and upper levels (. 1 : 3). Therefore iodine belongs to the trace elements of the Supply Category I (high risk of deficiency) and of the High Risk Category (high risk of excess). […]
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Trends and latest issues in broiler diet formulation
Summary • Checking diet specifications on a regular basis is a key issue in profitable broiler production. • Statistical evaluation of 2001-2006 AMINOLab® data reveals changes in feed formulation over recent years and potential imbalances which may increase production costs. • Continuous improvement in broiler genetics requires regular evaluation of nutrient specifications in raw materials […]
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Poultry Genetics – Anticipating Industry Requirements
Summary In broiler breeding, selection is often said to be focused only on rapid growth at the expense of traits important for animal welfare. In fact, economically important traits are balanced with traits which are important for animal health and welfare. At the beginning of broiler breeding, during the 1960’s, in the USA selection for […]
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Sustainable Agriculture and Food at Risk
Agriculture and food face both bright prospects and life threatening risks. These hazards have an entirely new origin. They result from human activity – not from the identifiable decisions of any individuals but from the system under which Western agriculture is now managed. That system poses real threats to sustainability. Agriculture reshaped Agriculture is being […]
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Management Recommendations for Rearing Pullets for Alternative Housing Systems
Summary Rearing pullets in deep litter and perchery systems requires more time, effort and expertise. The flock has to be continuously monitored to ensure optimum growth. The foundation for the hens’ performance in the subsequent production phase is established during the growing period. Rearing should therefore be regarded as an investment phase. It cannot be […]
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Crossbreeding in Dairy Cattle – International Trends and Results from Experiments in Germany
Summary Crossbreeding in dairy cattle is of growing interest to dairy cattle breeders and milk producers since in the dominant dairy breed, i.e. Holstein, negative phenotypic trends have been observed for functional traits like health, fertility and longevity. Although Holsteins are the most profitable dairy cows on well managed farms, this may not apply to […]
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