Potential for Use of Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS) in Layer Diets
Abstract Distillers Grains are a cereal byproduct of distillation for bio-energy, ethanol production and of growing interest for the feed industry. DDGS is a raw material rich in crude protein and amino acids as well as some minerals, e.g. phosphorus. In this review, the nutrient content of DDGS is compared with corn and wheat. DDGS […]
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Secondary Plant Compounds are more than Essential Oils
Abstract The use of antibiotics for growth promoting purposes in livestock is now banned for almost one decade in the European Union. This has forced the development of alternative products replacing their beneficial effects on health and productivity. Secondary plant compounds have found their way into animal feed, since they possess promising properties known for […]
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Abstract Since seven decades, poultry meat and egg consumption in many countries has been accelerating at a faster rate than global population growth. In this review, we will focus on key contributions of applied science and technology which explain the efficiency of today’s production: the change from hatch seasons and egg production in open houses […]
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Genomic selection in layer and broiler breeding
Introduction The development of technology enables more accurate and efficient selection of breeding animals. This is particularly relevant for poultry, for which short generation intervals and relatively large populations allow rapid genetic progress. Over recent decades, we have seen implementation of increasingly complex and computationaly demanding statistical approaches to assess the genetic value of an […]
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Welcome to the first edition of Lohmann Information in its new format. As primary breeder of laying hens, Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH continues the tradition to publish selected papers from the area of applied life science, as a service to customers, friends and the general public. Within the context of global human nutrition, we will focus […]
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Abstract A total of 23 652 broiler breeders were kept in two identical windowless deep litter pens. The birds were 25 weeks of age at the beginning of the experiment. A conventional breeder mash was supplied under a controlled feeding regime with 120 g/bird and day at the beginning and 170 g at the end […]
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