Holistic measures on combating Salmonella in broiler farms
Introduction A detailed and extensive report was written by Voss (2007) on the legal background on combating Salmonella in the EU and the resulting timeframe. The results of the baseline studies in the individual EU member states serve as the basis for determining the Community targets to reduce the prevalence of Salmonella. In order to […]
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Effects of the financial crisis on the international meat industry
The entire international Food and Agribusiness industry (F&A) is suffering the effects of the ongoing financial crisis. The global meat industry has been feeling the impact as consumers are cutting back on their food spending, financial institutions have tightened their credit lines, market confidence is lower and cross border F&A trade has declined. Players in […]
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The desired ideal: healthy gut and microbiota stability
Summary Well-balanced microbiota and subsequently a healthy gut have a direct influence on the efficiency of nutrient utilization and overall animal health. This effect is the result of a very complex and highly interactive ecosystem within the intestine formed by the intestinal microorganisms, host cells and diet components. The experimental inaccessibility of many of these […]
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WPSA support for Germany’s exit from conventional cages
Introduction The logo of the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) contains three key words: education – organization – research. Many people think of education in terms of public schools and universities, but equally important is continued “learning by doing” and keeping up with international developments connected with the field chosen for a professional career. The […]
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Summary Domestic male rabbits kept in groups tend to develop bite injuries toward the end of the fattening period due to bucks being attacked by other bucks. The frequency of aggressive behaviour and age at onset of biting among genetic groups was measured. A total of 193 pairs of bucks, 142 of known parental origin […]
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Nutritional Strategies to Reduce Heat Stress in Broilers and Broiler Breeders
Summary One of the most important constraints for the development of the poultry meat industry in the hot regions of the world is climate. This paper deals with certain nutritional manipulations and feeding practices that have been found to be helpful in reducing heat stress in broilers and broiler breeders. The most important factor affecting […]
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Management of laying hens to minimize heat stress
Summary Animal production is an important agro-economic branch in developing countries, in which the poultry economy plays a fundamental role and has largely replaced the production of cow and mutton, above all in Asia. Especially egg production enjoyed a significant increase of per capita consumption in developing and newly industrialised countries like China, Mexico, India, […]
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