Fertile eggs – a valuable product for vaccine production
Since a long time, fertile eggs are being used as the preferred substrate for vaccine production. The total number of eggs used for this purpose is estimated at currently about 600 million eggs per annum. The market for fertile eggs, commonly called “vaccine eggs”, consists of different segments with specific requirements concerning production and quality. […]
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Introduction Fibre in poultry diets may sound like a rather odd topic. When I talk to egg producers about fibre from a nutritionist’s point of view, I may get a puzzled smile. All poultry and egg producers know that fibre is important for feeding horses, cattle, sheep, rabbits and even monogastric pigs and some poultry […]
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The Importance of SPF-Eggs in Manufacturing and Testing of Poultry Vaccines
Introduction Introduction SPF-eggs are used for the production and control of vaccines for humans and animals. This presentation describes the major areas in which embryonated SPF-eggs are used. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of using these eggs in production and control of vaccines will be discussed in comparison to conventional eggs on the one hand […]
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Jay Lush – reflections on the past
Introduction Animal breeding is a human activity probably as old as humanity itself. Iconographic documents help us get an idea of how farm animal species have evolved since the early days of domestication, at least for most external traits. In contrast, the history of ideas and practice implemented by man to change his domestic animals […]
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Heinz Lohmann, the founder of our company, always admired Americans with their scientific approach to business. Between 1956 and 1958 he signed license agreements with American poultry breeders Nichols and Heisdorf & Nelson for die multiplication and distribution of broilers and layers, respectively. With these cooperations he established a basis for transferring knowledge from the […]
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Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) – winners of globalization?
Introduction The globalisation of markets is not only a challenge for large enterprises but also concerns more and more medium sized companies. Small and medium sized companies (SMEs) are more engaged today in the course of new technological developments, new markets and especially services than often assumed and recorded in statistics (Feldmeier, 2006). Especially because […]
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Adaptability of laying hens to non-cage environments*
Introduction Since the decision to ban conventional cages in the EU by 2012, individual countries have passed laws for the transition period. Many egg producers are still undecided whether to invest in new facilities compatible with legal limitations or to give up egg production. Until a few years ago, most egg producers and poultry scientists […]
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