A Company Profile of Lohmann Animal Health
Lohmann Animal Health is a well-known provider of feed additives for all animal species and avian vaccines. In feed additives, our special skills are based on a high degree of technical knowledge in the formulation of compounds that meet customer needs in terms of further processing and nutrition. In the vaccine business, Lohmann Animal Health […]
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Summary Genetic and non-genetic factors influence egg weight of commercial layers and should be controlled by farm management before production of a flock starts: the genetic profile of a strain cross with regard to egg weight and correlated traits, the light stimulation during rearing and the bodyweight or frame size development of the pullets. Once […]
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Management tools to influence egg weight in commercial layers
Summary Genetic and non-genetic factors influence egg weight of commercial layers and should be controlled by farm management before production of a flock starts: the genetic profile of a strain cross with regard to egg weight and correlated traits, the light stimulation during rearing and the bodyweight or frame size development of the pullets. Once […]
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A Christian View on Intensive Animal Farming: Position of the Lutheran Church, Hanover, Germany
1. The origin of the position paper The evangelical church community in Wietze/Steinförde near Celle, Germany, asked the Lutheran Church of Hanover for its position regarding intensive animal farming and slaughter plants in connection with plans to build the largest broiler processing plant in Lower Saxony. These plans have led to a controversial discussion in […]
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Summary This review gives a summary of 21 papers presented and discussed during a two-day symposium at the Veterinary Faculty of the Free University Berlin. The focus was on animal wellbeing beyond the point of legal requirements. Animal keeping is presently a main concern in public discussions in Germany. However, we should keep in mind […]
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Introduction “The feed consumption level is a critical measurement in determining the nutrient density of the ration fed to an individual flock. Consumption is affected by: 1. Age of the flock 2. Energy level of the feed 3. Egg production rate and egg size 4. Environmental temperature 5. Breed and strain of chicken 6. General […]
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The changing role of horses in our society
Introduction The domestication of horses and their progressive adaptation to changing human life styles has a long history. For thousands of years, horses were kept and improved by selective breeding to maximize their usefulness for transportation of people and goods in peace and war times. Technical innovations replaced work horses in agriculture and commerce, so […]
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Balanced Breeding of Turkeys for Health & Welfare Traits
Introduction The role of the primary breeder is to supply turkeys that perform with the highest levels of biological performance and health status. To achieve this, modern turkey breeding uses a broad selection objective including a range of health, fitness, efficiency, reproduction and meat traits. Care is taken to make sustainable and predictable year-on-year progress […]
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