A history of layer breeding in Cuxhaven since 1959: from serendipity to sustainability
serendipity: a gift for discovery by accident and sagacity while in pursuit of something else1 1949-1959: Serendipitous introduction of RRS by Art Heisdorf During the recovery period after World War II, European poultry breeders were busy rebuilding prewar structures and resumed conventional herdbook breeding with egg-type and dual purpose breeds. Meanwhile, poultry breeders in North […]
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Lighting for broiler and turkey breeders
Photorefractoriness Photorefractoriness is a natural physiological condition that differentiates broiler breeders and turkey breeders from egg-type breeders and commercial layers, particularly regarding their response to lighting. It is a phenomenon which needs to be understood before lighting patterns can be correctly designed for either broiler or turkey breeders. The condition has long been recognised in […]
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Amino Acid Recommendations for laying hens
Summary • Latest scientific research was considered in revising amino acid recommendations for laying hens. • Considering that methionine is the first limiting amino acid in laying hen diets, a meta-analysis revealed an optimal digestible methionine intake of 415 mg/hen/d. • Literature suggested optimal digestible methionine, methionine+cysteine, threonine, tryptophan, arginine, isoleucine and valine to digestible […]
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Agriculture needs innovation and a sense of responsibility Challenges facing sustainable agriculture
Summary Limited arable land, climate change and a continually growing world population are posing major challenges for agriculture. It is vital to safeguard, and even boost, yields of agricultural raw materials. Bayer CropScience has one of the largest research budgets in the industry, at around EUR 650 million annually, and will be maintaining its innovative […]
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Light Stimulation of Commercial Layers
Summary Birds can see better than humans and are highly susceptible to light, but there is a paucity of scientific data on the visual ability of chickens. Recent research results and practical experience confirm that lighting programs adapted to specific conditions are a valuable tool in the management of laying hens. The main points are: […]
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Efficacy of probiotic “ToyoCerin®” and phytobiotic “Cuxarom Spicemaster” on growing rabbits
Summary In 2 performance trials, each consisting of 3 groups of New Zealand white rabbits, the effects of the probiotic product ToyoCerin® (spores of B. cereus var. toyoi) and the phytobiotic product Cuxarom Spicemaster (brown algae mixed with the herbs and spices basil, fennel, garlic and cinnamon and essential oils of aniseed and thyme) were […]
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Introduction Autogenous vaccines play a critical role in the treatment and prevention of diseases in Germany and other EU countries. A similar integrated approach of autogenous vaccines and registered vaccines as complementary concepts is practiced in North America. Despite the generally increasing need for flexible & fast solutions many countries of the global animal health […]
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