In 2012, about 1,000 attendees were trained by employees of
LOHMANN TIERZUCHT and invited specialists in seminars and
courses on the proper management of LOHMANN parent stocks
and layers. In addition to the regular annual LOHMANN School
Cuxhaven with international participation, local LOHMANN
Schools were organized in Niagara Falls, Canada, in Asunción,
Paraguay, as well as a US seminar in Amelia Island, Florida. In
the historical Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, employees and
customers of the LSL Rhein-Main met for a three-day seminar
on rearing and management of layers.
During these trainings, all issues regarding management of
parent stocks and layers are addressed. However, presentations
by LOHMANN experts as well as by invited specialists are not
a one-sided activity. Discussions have an important part in
each event and are absolutely welcome for know-how transfer
in the most effective way. Even when “classes” are finished,
the participants continue their talks and exchange their
experiences. By means of such seminars, LOHMANN TIERZUCHT
also provides a platform for sharing information within the
customer base. Thus, attendees often stay in direct contact
with each other for many years.
The Hatchery Course Cuxhaven 2012 supplied experts and staff
of hatcheries with up-to-date findings and information for the
hatching of layer chicks. Issues regarding management of parent
stocks for the production of high quality eggs were discussed
as well as specific requirements for the incubation of eggs to
produce layers. Traditionally, the audience followed a lecture
on the embryonic development of chicken with great interest
just as the presentations of innovative hatchery technology by
selected manufacturers. Vaccination programmes for parent
stocks and day-old chicks are essential for the production of
healthy and top-quality layers. Especially in strongly developing
regions such as Asia, Africa and Latin America, these programmes
and those for securing hygiene and corresponding biosecurity
are particularly important.
During the past year, numerous visitor groups came to the
headquarters of LOHMANN TIERZUCHT in Cuxhaven to debate
on subjects such as feeding, optimising of feed and the
management of flocks. The design of lighting programmes
for the stimulation of flocks housed in cage and barn
systems respectively, not to mention free-range systems, was
canvassed and the correct choice of illuminants. Additionally,
recommendations for the control of egg weight were made.
Major parts were talks regarding animal health and the
prevention of diseases, particularly by means of customised
vaccination programmes. The veterinarians of LOHMANN
TIERZUCHT are recognized worldwide as competent partners
and, due to the diagnostic capabilities of the veterinary
laboratory in Cuxhaven, they are able to clarify manifold issues
occurring in the industry.
Dr. Hans-Heinrich Thiele