June 27, 2023


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Some Latin American countries have a unique organization named AMEVEA, which stands for Poultry Specialists Veterinarians Association which foster latest knowledge on all aspects of poultry sector. On May 16th, Amevea Colombia hosted the “5th International Incubation Seminar” in Bogota and among several experts of many countries, LOHMANN BREEDERS was represented by Thomas Calil, who gave two lectures to the 350 people audience.

First, he covered the topic “Hatching Egg and Chicks Storage”, highlighting the important aspects to keep embryos alive and able to fully express their development at best as well as to keep chicks under their homeostatic conditions until placement. Then, the hatch window and ways to calculate and interpret it have been extensively discussed with practical field examples to measure and improve it under either single or multi stage condition, assuring a high level of hydration our chicks deserve so they can express the full LOHMANN genetic potential.


We thank Amevea Colombia for the invitation to speak once again in one more of their well-attended events.


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