Acknowledged expert leaving for retirement
For 35 years, Heiko Tiller has worked for the LOHMANN group. Now, he has left for
his well-deserved retirement.
The farewell to Heiko Tiller took place
during a poultry symposium in a dignified atmosphere at the Lake Lucerne
in Switzerland. Many companions from
Germany and other European countries
had followed the invitation. Prof. Dr. Rudolf
Preisinger and Robert Pottgüter gave the
lectures and of course, duly appreciated
the merits of Heiko Tiller being the guest
of honour.
Heiko Tiller had been working four and a
half years as feed specialist for LOHMANN
Tierernährung before he started his career on 1st of May 1982 at LOHMANN
TIERZUCHT GmbH as Assistant Manager
Production. His other tasks included the
technical handling of the poultry nutrition
department, the consulting of the subsidiaries as well as the sales activities for
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France,
Great Britain and whole Scandinavia. For
these countries, Marek Malkowski, Niels
Fischer and Pieter-Jan Luykx were presented as corresponding successors.
Once again LOHMANN TIERZUCHT would
like to thank Heiko Tiller for his many years
of committed cooperation and wishes him
all the best for his new stage of life.