Every year the DLG e.V. (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society) offers a management programme for trainees in the agricultural sector. The goal is to prepare young professionals such as farm successors, young
operating managers and junior staff in the agricultural business for future professional challenges during nine months by
means of seminars and practical trainings in demanding projects.
Up to now, LOHMANN TIERZUCHT supported the DLG by providing traineeships.
The trainees are working in smaller projects in defined fields, e.g. genetics, during
their two times 12 weeks of practical training. These projects allow the trainees to
gather professional experience and demonstrate their performance.
Last year, a future employee of LOHMANN
TIERZUCHT, Ms. Djanet Ould-Ali, participated for the first time in the programme
as part of the company’s long-term human
resources planning and development. In
this way, LOHMANN TIERZUCHT fosters
further training of its own young employees in order to prepare them for new tasks
and areas of responsibility within the company. Additionally, the future employees
are prepared in a comprehensive manner
for a qualified start in the company.
The trainee year 2011/2012 consisting of 19
participants including Ms. Ould-Ali started
on 29th of August 2011 in Grünberg near
Gießen, Germany. During the seminar
weeks the trainees dealt with subjects
such as management training, questions
of law and business administration. They
proved their acquired skills in two practical
trainings in different companies. The final
colloquium took place in May 2012.
Sandra Tietjen, Veterinary Laboratory
Seminar week in Grünberg