Due to the ongoing Corona travel restrictions, which unfortunately continued into 2021, we had to postpone our Franchise Distributor Meeting which was originally scheduled to take place in Hamburg in June. However, we didn’t want to disappoint our customers and colleagues, so we put our heads together to come up with a new concept and date.
It didn’t take long to come up with a solution.
New date 28 – 29.09.2021
New concept | Be together but stay healthy FDM goes ONLINE!
The motto didn’t cause us any problems either: The Bridge to the Future. Nothing fits LOHMANN better, especially this year. We are already known for our innovation and forward thinking, while also staying committed to our proven quality and performance standards, our new vision for the internal structure within Lohmann demonstrates this more than ever.
As our Franchise Distributor Meeting is always something special, we naturally wanted to stand out from the crowd of the usual online events and offer our customers something completely new and exciting.
So, we came up with:
Two days, everything live: live debate – live discussions – live statements. And, of course, everything simultaneously translated – live.
DAY 1 | 28.09.2021
Live Debate – The bridge to the future – opportunities in the layer market
A broad topic that we knew would spark interest from all our customers and prompt some excellent and valuable discussions. We were able to attract 7 well-known and highly regarded participants from within the poultry industry to our debate, each an expert in their own field.
We are already known for our innovation and forward thinking, while also staying committed to our proven quality and performance standards, our new vision for the internal structure within Lohmann demonstrates this more than ever.
This enabled us to discuss pertinent topics related to our industry from different perspectives around the world. A great interactive day.
DAY 2 | 29.09.2021
LOHMANN DAY – The bridge to the future – Have a look behind the scenes!
Finally, the time had come for our own experts to have the floor. And of course, it was our new management structure that started it all! Introduced by our former Managing Director Mr. Javier Ramírez, the new LOHMANN dual leadership now had the opportunity to introduce themselves: Jörg Heier, Managing Director Operations and Christoffer Ernst, Managing Director Sales.
Afterwards, there was an update from the Genetics, Production, Logistics, Technical Service and Sales departments.
As it should be, the marketing department came up with something special and provided an engaging video to keep our participants well versed in the culinary world of eggs and local recipes, because as we know, the culinary delights are an integral part of our FDM meetings.
A real LOHMANN chick
For two days, the program was led by Ms. Annette Yashpon who we were able to win over as our presenter for the conference. And she was tasked with presenting a special surprise as an introduction to open the conference, and she did not disappoint.
We were all overjoyed to hear our new LOHMANN song composed especially for us: A real Lohmann Chick.