“GCT” – “Global Competence Team”

Poultry News
GCT is a department of LOHMANN TIERZUCHT. To be precise: It is an enhancement of the ”LOHMANN Technical Service Team“. For the first time worldwide, know-how regarding management, feeding and veterinary issues (also referred to as labor diagnosis in the field) as well as inquiries and advice concerning construction and hatchery, is now provided by one single source. Unique problems can be addressed, 360° consultancy services for existing farms and complete support in terms of expertise for projects in all parts of the world can now be provided. The customer can be assured that he will receive the support of a well-coordinated team which is able to establish a coherent production system and thus, able to contribute significantly to the success of our customers.

The next official presentations will be at the IPPE in Atlanta/USA and VIV Asia in Bangkok/ Thailand.

Hinrich Leerhoff

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