Africa currently has a population of 1.2 billion, with Morocco ranked 11th with a population of 35 million. The country has the 12th highest per capita GDP (gross domestic product) in Africa ($4,800), which places it in 100th position worldwide. Three per cent of its annual per capita GDP is produced by the poultry sector, with annual production of 5 billion consumption eggs and 543,000 tons of poultry meat.

SNV and SES Warren
There are 49 hatcheries producing broiler chicks in Morocco, but only five companies keeping layer parentstock, all with exclusivities on the major breeds present worldwide today. The biggest company is SES Warren, which has a market share of 35 % in the layer sector. It is a subsidiary of SNV, which is also the oldest breeder company in Morocco, founded in 1969. Both companies produce 15,000 tons of feed per month and 300,000 broiler chicks and 90,000 layer chicks per week.Introduction of LOHMANN BROWN
SES Warren has been producing H&N chicks since 2008. In 2016 the first LOHMANN BROWN parentstock chicks were finally housed on a new farm. This farm was purpose built for this additional business, allowing the company to offer both breeds to their customers. The LOHMANN line was introduced in Morocco in 2005 by Grapoulima. After the latter’s collapse in 2011 and following an absence of five years, LOHMANN TIERZUCHT is now back on the market.Celebration of new partnership
In order to celebrate this new partnership, SNV and LOHMANN TIERZUCHT organized a three-day seminar in the 5-star Jardin de L’Agdal Hotel in Marrakesh from 9th to 11th December 2016. The presentations given by a range of poultry production experts covered various topics such as the genetic development of the LOHMANN lines, management of LOHMANN birds and the present AI situation worldwide. President of Diana Holding and owner of SNV and SES Warren Ghita Zniber, SNV CEO Anouar Tahiri and LOHMANN TIERZUCHT managing director Javier Ramírez were also present. The two directors welcomed the guests by giving a presentation on their respective companies.Viola Holik
Excellent combination of Moroccan hospitality and technical issues
Over 200 people attended the meeting and enjoyed the warm hospitality of the Moroccan people, including the families of the invitees as well as visitors from right across French-speaking Africa, such as Algeria, Tunisia, Cameroon, Gabon and Ivory Coast. Discussion forums were held in which the audience were able to obtain answers to questions on layer management, and participants also had a chance to speak to the experts in person in the breaks and during the meals. An extensive entertainment program was put on, including dinner with entertainment in the beautiful Palais Soleiman, and city tours were enjoyed by all participants and their families. The seminar ended with a joint breakfast on the morning of 11 December before the guests departed. The seminar marks the beginning of a successful partnership and LOHMANN TIERZUCHT is looking forward to serving and supporting Moroccan egg producers once again.