Highly international character
Our HATCHERY COURSE cannot be missed on the LOHMANN annual
calendar. This very practice-oriented training seminar, with a
focus on hatchery management, always enjoys great popularity
and we cannot complain about a lack of participation at any of
our events.
Two groups trained in parallel
This time, we made every possible effort to accommodate each
participant, and for the first time there were even two groups trained
in parallel: a Russian and an international group. We welcomed
a huge number of participants: 19 guests from Russia and 20
“international” participants coming from Germany, Nepal, Saudi
Arabia, the Netherlands, Finland, Indonesia, Serbia and even Brazil.
The programme was staggered for both groups so that everyone
could work on the same lectures.
In addition to our own experts, who are of course well versed in
the matter, we were also able to welcome guest speakers from
companies Pas Reform, EMTech and Petersime.
Thank you!
We think that once again we found the right mix of interesting topics
and will continue the good tradition of the Hatchery Course
next year as well. We thank all our customers who use this opportunity
to train their own staff and thus make the handling of our
breed a sure success.