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Braulio J. Ruiz Poblete

Everyone is aware that one of the most attractive markets worldwide in terms of consumption and production of eggs is Mexico. Per capita consumption of 365 eggs annually, plus the government’s strategies of strengthening good poultry practices based on the export of poultry products in all world markets, verifies that the work done to date by our company in expanding its local presence and installing parent stock farms and incubation plants has been the correct course of action.

Greater strength and presence strategy

The technical team has supported this work by disseminating the benefits and specific needs of our line by providing field support in the form of visits to customers by our representatives in the country, as well as meetings with a cluster of production managers, nutritionists and advisors in different states.
The strategy of greater strength and presence was also backed up by participation at technical trade events and academic seminars at no fewer than five of the six most established events in the Mexican poultry sector.

  • XLIII ANECA 2018 Annual Convention (Asociacion Nacional de Especialistas en Ciencias Avícolas de Mexico AC)
  • 11th AVEM 2018 International Congress (Aviespecialistas de Mexico AC)
  • 55 Anniversary Apyzan (Asociacion de Patologos y Zootecnistas Aviares del Noroeste AC)
  • XX Meeting AVECA-G 2018 (Asociacion Nacional de Especialistas en Ciencias Avícolas de Guadalajara)
  • 53 National Poultry Congress UNA 2018 (Unión Nacional de Avicultores).

Continuous work to increase market share

Our work has not finished: the market share of our line is increasing year by year, but there is still space for us. For our part we will continue to raise our market profile and have already confirmed our participation for the period ahead.

Braulio J. Ruiz Poblete


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