Our cartoonist Sergey Cherepanov

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Sergey Cherepanov, born on 10.10.1952, is a Russian poultry specialist and cartoonist who is creating the LOHMANN calendar since many years. Let’s see how he got into cartoon drawing.


Technical Background

In 1974, he graduated from the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Agricultural University, Faculty of Animal Production. Since 1978, Sergey started to work in the All-Russian Research Institute of Farm Animal Genetics and Breeding in St. Petersburg-Pushkin. In 1983 Sergey got his PhD. His theses were dedicated to the various aspects of keeping and breeding of broiler crosses in cage environment.

Sergey has been actively collaborating with the Russian Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association. He is a member of the Branch’s Executive Committee. Sergey participated in the World Poultry Congresses – in Amsterdam (1992), New Deli (1996), Montreal (2000), Brisbane (2008), Salvador (2012), Bejing (2016)- and in several European Poultry Conferences and numerous other international and domestic scientific forums. Sergey is an Associated Editor of the World’s Poultry Science Journal.

Besides his scientific activities, Sergey also worked for foreign companies such as FINFEEDS, KEMIN, LOHMANN TIERZUCHT, SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP and some others. He participated in several big business projects in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia.

A poultry cartoonist is born…

But many people know Sergey Cherepanov first and foremost as a cartoonist. Ever since he was about 3 years old, Sergey liked to draw pictures – mostly cartoons. He has always been drawing – in the kindergarten, in the school, university, army and during all his adult life.

….and goes his way

Sergey became an active member of the St. Petersburg Cartoonists’ Club. His cartoons were published in numerous domestic and foreign newspapers and magazines. He participated in the Russian and International cartoon contests and exhibitions (in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, Thailand etc.), and got several prizes and awards.

It is no wonder, that many of Sergey’s cartoons were dedicated to poultry. From 1992 until 2003 Sergey acted as a cartoon columnist of the POULTRY INTERNATIONAL magazine.

In 1993 the USA publishing company WATT Publishing has published a book of Sergey Cherepanov’s cartoons titled INTERNATIONAL CHICKEN. This book has been reprinted several times and distributed all over the world. It contained more than 100 funny poultry cartoons.

Sergey also illustrated articles in the DGS (Deutsche Geflügelwirtschaft und Schweineproduktion) magazine.

In 2017, in the Dutch National Poultry Museum in Barneveld, there was organized a personal exhibition of Sergey Cherepanov’s poultry cartoons, which occupied 3 halls of the Museum.

and arrives at LOHMANN

Since 1994, Sergey Cherepanov started to cooperate with LOHMANN TIERZUCHT (now-LOHMANN BREEDERS) – the first LOHMANN calendar was created with Sergey’s hand drawn cartoons.

Since that time each year (with small exception) LOHMANN TIERZUCHT/LOHMANN BREEDERS has ordered Sergey’s cartoon pictures for its calendars. The themes of each calendar are various and reflect different features of LOHMANN BREEDERS products and activities. Within these years of fruitful collaboration, the LOHMANN calendars became recognizable and popular among LOHMANN clients, partners and other poultry people.

Besides calendars, Sergey also created pictures for Christmas cards, illustrations and souvenir items.

We hope that the acquaintance with cartoons and pictures, created by Sergey Cherepanov will be interesting and enjoyable for you.

You also can visit Sergey’s page in Facebook (Сергей Черепанов) and account in Instagram (@seniorcartooner).

Have fun!

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