Before going deeper, I must take a moment to thank and commend each and every one of you for your persistent and sound commitment to all the harsh regulations imposed on us, so that we may successfully play our parts in our collective battle against the COVID-19 outbreak that has brought our world to a complete halt. It is a matter of time, but there’s no doubt we will be victorious.
Now more than ever, LOHMANN and its business partners remain committed in maintaining their roles in the global food supply chain. With socio-economic conditions worsening daily, businesses indefinitely shutting down and the global population facing fears of unemployment, it remains our duty to ensure that the global citizenry is not deprived of this essential protein source.

However, as you all surely know through your own personal experiences as well, this comes with its considerable set of obstacles, especially when international flights and free movement in general have taken significant hits.
Our production and logistics teams have truly been put to the test working around the clock, continuously accommodating to the ever-changing orders and flight schedules, because from our side, we are well aware of all the repercussions that even the delay of 1 PS chick can cause in a production chain, let alone entire shipments. It is essential for the bond within our community to remain strong.

With this philosophy well engraved in the hearts of LOHMANN staff worldwide, you embraced the undesirable changes and adapted to them with aplomb. Through waves of emails, phone calls and the new trendy e-meetings, we attained a cyber working medium that flows as naturally as our daily office lives.
Despite all these challenges, I must applaud the positive attitudes of everyone involved in the LOHMANN family. This sense of encouragement and positivity are our strongest tools during trying times, and I am confident that sooner rather than later, we will be coming side by side once again, sharing moments of joy and even looking back on our temporary struggles with laughter and good sense of humour.

Until then, I urge you all to continue practicing all the safety and security measures necessary to protect yourselves, and all your loved ones. Sincerely yours,
Javier Ramírez Managing Director