Also in the past year, VALO BioMedia continued undiminished its growth course. The goal still remains to globally offer
customers a maximum of security of supply, flexibility and local service by means of extended production capacities for
LSL SPF animals and new locations.
New production system in Germany
Thus, construction works are running at
full speed at the new location Wusterwitz in Brandenburg, Germany. The first
housing is planned there for the end of
October. In order to efficiently handle the
considerably increased production in Germany, the grading station in Großenhain
near the city of Bremen is enlarged as well.
Furthermore, all corresponding processes
are improved and modernized for the benefit of the customers.
VALO BioMedia España has taken similar
action and is enlarging its own production
capacities to respond to the increasing
local demand.
The signs are set for growth in the United
States of America, too. A completely new
location is under construction in Taneytown, Maryland. By analogy with the systems in Germany, the site is equipped with
the most advanced production systems
being in line with long-term animal welfare
requirements. At the end of this year, VALO
BioMedia North America will therefore
dispose of production capacities in three
federal states: Kansas, Iowa and Maryland.
With effect of July 1st 2012 VALO BioMedia
do Brasil acquired a SPF Farming complex
from Brasil Foods. The farm in Uberlandia
is operating successfully since many years
and will augment the production network
of VALO BioMedia with a presence in a
strategically important growth market.
Also in the area of producing so-called
Clean Eggs for the manufacture of influenza vaccines or inactivated poultry vaccines, VALO BioMedia has built two new
locations both separately and in cooperation with local affiliated companies.
Since the end of 2011, VALO BioMedia
Mexico provides customers from the human and veterinary vaccines industry with
Clean Eggs. For this purpose, five production sites have been completely refurbished and two new hatcheries have been
Farm building in Brazil
On behalf of VALO BioMedia Hy-Line North
America supplies an important influenza
vaccine manufacturer with pre-incubated
LSL clean eggs produced in several new
farms and a new preincubation site in
Ferdinand von Eyb, VALO BioMedia